Cathy Pepper | Texas A&M University, School of Medicine | Co-Teaching with AI: Revising a PubMed Searching Module in a Medical Student Grand Rounds Course
Lucía Pérez Gómez | IFMSA | IFMSA Professional Exchange Program - Challenges for Medical Students' Mobility Developing the Research Educational Value of IFMSA Exchanges Through Educational Activities
Stephen Peterson | Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine | From Learning the Material to Application: Improving Students' Test-Taking Skills
Rosemary Poku | Central Michigan University | To Chat or Not to Chat: Effects of Chat on Autonomy, Competence, AND Relatedness in Synchronous E-Learning
Sreenidhi Prakash | Panimalar Medical College Hospital & Research Institute | A Deep Delve into the Integration of ChatGPT in Medical Education - An Orientation Session for Medical Educators FS: Dynamic Exploration of Narrative Educational Games in Health Sciences: Let's Create the Perfect Tale
Zakaria Rashid | King's College | Evaluating Student and Teacher Perspectives on Peer-Led Mock OSCE: Using Medical Students to Contribute to Undergraduate OSCE Development
Samantha Redden | Universidad de Oriente | WITHDRAWN Usefulness of General Surgery Board Exam Pass Rates to Compare Residency Programs
Elsa Aniela Reguera | Tecnologico de Monterrey | Assessment of Self-Regulated Learning In Undergraduate Healthcare Students Death Notification Workshop: A Multicenter Experience in Undergraduate Health Students FS: Patients-as-Teachers (PAT): Patient Narratives in Education is an Underutilized Instructional Tool
Aly Reinschmidt | Sanford School of Medicine | Improving Interactions with Medical Interpretation: An Educational Module for Medical Students at the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine
Stephanie Richardson | Baylor College of Medicine - Temple | A Novel Approach to Modernize Pathology Education Using a Multi-Layered Digital Image Physician Assistant Students' Perspectives on Time Requirements and Learning Modes
Alexa Ries | University of Utah School of Medicine | Determining the Effectiveness of an International Dermatology ECHO Program
Axel Rivas | Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine | Shifting Medical Education: A Survey of AI-Driven Innovations in Learning Media Transformation
Elizabeth Rivera-Mateo | Ponce Health Sciences University | Implementation of an Interdisciplinary Case-Based Discussion Activity in a Health Disparities Course for Medical Students
Miranda Robledo | UAGSOM | FS: Enhancing Anatomy Education Through Virtual Reality: From Basics to Clinical Proficiency
Michelle Rusch | University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria | Skills Challenge: A Pseudo-Escape Room to Teach Procedural Skills to Third Year Medical Students A Pilot Study to Investigate Innovative and Compatible Interfaces for Radiological Viewing to Offset Fatigue
Jaymi Russo | University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine | Increasing Inpatient Clinical Experiences in a Longitudinal Integrated Curriculum
Lydia Sadlowski | Central Michigan University College of Medicine | Subliminal Negative Perception Society Has With Older Adults: A Scoping Review
Sathyak Saini | Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center - Lubbock | Impact of a High-Yield Fact Sheet on Learning Histology in a First-Year Medical School Block
Peyton Sakelaris | Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV | Assessing the Anticipated Results of the USMLE Step 1 Shift to a Pass/Fail Score
Jessica Saw | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | Identification of Unmet User Experience (UX) Needs in MedEd Software Applications MedTerms: Co-designing with CIMED Students to Build Medical Education Software