Poster & Oral Presenters

Oral Presenters

Poster Presenters

Full NameInstitutionSpeaking At
Cathy PepperTexas A&M University, School of MedicineCo-Teaching with AI: Revising a PubMed Searching Module in a Medical Student Grand Rounds Course
Lucía Pérez GómezIFMSAIFMSA Professional Exchange Program - Challenges for Medical Students' Mobility
Developing the Research Educational Value of IFMSA Exchanges Through Educational Activities
Stephen PetersonTouro University Nevada College of Osteopathic MedicineFrom Learning the Material to Application: Improving Students' Test-Taking Skills
Rosemary PokuCentral Michigan UniversityTo Chat or Not to Chat: Effects of Chat on Autonomy, Competence, AND Relatedness in Synchronous E-Learning
Sreenidhi PrakashPanimalar Medical College Hospital & Research InstituteA Deep Delve into the Integration of ChatGPT in Medical Education - An Orientation Session for Medical Educators
FS: Dynamic Exploration of Narrative Educational Games in Health Sciences: Let's Create the Perfect Tale
Zakaria RashidKing's CollegeEvaluating Student and Teacher Perspectives on Peer-Led Mock OSCE: Using Medical Students to Contribute to Undergraduate OSCE Development
Samantha ReddenUniversidad de OrienteWITHDRAWN Usefulness of General Surgery Board Exam Pass Rates to Compare Residency Programs
Elsa Aniela RegueraTecnologico de MonterreyAssessment of Self-Regulated Learning In Undergraduate Healthcare Students
Death Notification Workshop: A Multicenter Experience in Undergraduate Health Students
FS: Patients-as-Teachers (PAT): Patient Narratives in Education is an Underutilized Instructional Tool
Aly ReinschmidtSanford School of MedicineImproving Interactions with Medical Interpretation: An Educational Module for Medical Students at the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine
Stephanie RichardsonBaylor College of Medicine - TempleA Novel Approach to Modernize Pathology Education Using a Multi-Layered Digital Image
Physician Assistant Students' Perspectives on Time Requirements and Learning Modes
Alexa RiesUniversity of Utah School of MedicineDetermining the Effectiveness of an International Dermatology ECHO Program
Axel RivasKirk Kerkorian School of MedicineShifting Medical Education: A Survey of AI-Driven Innovations in Learning Media Transformation
Elizabeth Rivera-MateoPonce Health Sciences UniversityImplementation of an Interdisciplinary Case-Based Discussion Activity in a Health Disparities Course for Medical Students
Miranda RobledoUAGSOMFS: Enhancing Anatomy Education Through Virtual Reality: From Basics to Clinical Proficiency
Michelle RuschUniversity of Illinois College of Medicine PeoriaSkills Challenge: A Pseudo-Escape Room to Teach Procedural Skills to Third Year Medical Students
A Pilot Study to Investigate Innovative and Compatible Interfaces for Radiological Viewing to Offset Fatigue
Jaymi RussoUniversity of South Dakota Sanford School of MedicineIncreasing Inpatient Clinical Experiences in a Longitudinal Integrated Curriculum
Lydia SadlowskiCentral Michigan University College of MedicineSubliminal Negative Perception Society Has With Older Adults: A Scoping Review
Sathyak SainiTexas Tech University Health Sciences Center - LubbockImpact of a High-Yield Fact Sheet on Learning Histology in a First-Year Medical School Block
Peyton SakelarisKirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLVAssessing the Anticipated Results of the USMLE Step 1 Shift to a Pass/Fail Score
Jessica SawUniversity of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignIdentification of Unmet User Experience (UX) Needs in MedEd Software Applications
MedTerms: Co-designing with CIMED Students to Build Medical Education Software