Breakout Session
Thursday, October 5, 2023
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (EDT)

Mini Workshops

Strategies That Increase the Effectiveness of Active Learning
Serena Kuang - Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
James Grogan - Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Location: Session Room 1, Table A

To meet this year’s theme (Opportunity, Connection, Equity, Success), improving active learning becomes our topic because 1) it is widely promoted in education, so reflecting what needs to improve offers an opportunity to connect educators from all types of education; 2) our content reflects universal aspects of human nature regardless of gender, ethnicity, and culture, thus highly promoting equity; 3) our content promotes diversity and inclusion because only when the universal aspects of human nature become clear, appreciating gender, racial, and cultural differences among learners become necessary and possible. Together the workshop will encourage attendees’ success in their educational endeavors.

STEMM Community Engagement and Culturally Responsive Mentorship
Mariam Manuel - University of Houston
Jacqueline Ekeoba - University of Houston
Michelle Carroll Turpin - University of Houston
Thomas Thesen - Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Location: Session Room 1, Table B

The STEM Research Inquiry Summer Enrichment (STEM RISE) program is a collaborative project between the University of Houston (UH) College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics STEM teacher preparation program, teachHOUSTON, and the UH College of Medicine. STEM RISE activities and strategic planning are conducted in partnership with community leaders and Jack Yates High School in Third Ward, where UH resides. The program is designed to better prepare future STEM teachers and medical professionals to be culturally responsive in their practice, while simultaneously supporting high school students from underrepresented populations in conducting empirical STEM research in laboratory settings.

An Introduction to Universal Design for Learning That Promotes Education Accessibility
Jonathan Wisco - Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
Angelique C. Harris - Department of Medicine, Boston University Aram V. Chobanian & Edward Avedisian School of Medicine
Location: Session Room 2, Table A

Many underserved and URM students are non-traditional, and start their STEMM school pathway at community colleges and local universities. But many of these same institutions lack programs in faculty development for establishing truly inclusive and accessible learning spaces. This workshop provides instruction on how to improve education accessibility by implementing three concepts of universal design for learning - adopting cultural humility and competency; evaluating physical and technological aspects of learning spaces; promoting life-long learning skills that foster personal identity and professional identity formation.

Making the Right Moves: Building Preprofessional Skills with the HPSA Situational Judgment Workshop
Emil Chuck - Health Professional Student Association
Location: Session Room 2, Table B

While behavioral and situational judgment interviews have been part of the admissions process, increased use of online multiple mini-interviews and situational judgment assessments for professional student admissions and residency selection has given applicants and advisors much anxiety and concern. This presentation will focus on insights from a survey of SJT test-takers and provide attendees to participate in a virtual SJT.

Roundtable Discussions

How to Utilize Community Partners to Connect with the Audience You Intend to Serve: Moving from Outreach to Engagement
Kristofer Rau - Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
Kyeorda Kemp - Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Jonathan Wisco - Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
Location: Session Room 4, Table B

Establishing meaningful university-community partnerships with individuals or groups who have already built a foundation of trust and understanding within the demographics that they serve can provide diverse perspectives and insight into the intended audience's needs, preferences, and aspirations. Many of these community partners provide valuable logistical resources or physical support that may enhance the long-term success of our programs. However, effectively partnering with the community requires a genuine, thoughtful, and strategic approach. This roundtable will delve into the intricacies of working with partners in order to engage our target audiences and explore practical strategies for connecting with our intended audiences.

As part of ASPBP’s mission, members strive to provide mentorship and support to develop and implement pathway programs and bridges for students to succeed in STEMM careers. For these programs to succeed, however, we must not operate within silos and move away from traditional top-down approaches. We need to actively engage partners that are already doing the work of supporting the needs of the community and develop strong relationships with them in order for our programs to be successful in the long term.

Traditionally, programs have operated through a one-way model where institutions determine what students need or problems to be addressed in specific communities of learners. Community engagement allows for collaborative decision-making regarding identifying what the community feels is most important for their youth. However, this type of work takes time to establish trust. Connecting with partners working with our target audiences can help us build authentic relationships with communities, gather valuable insight, and establish trust. This discussion explores effective strategies for establishing sustainable partnerships with the community as a means to connect with the intended audience.

This collaborative round table discussion provides a unique opportunity for participants to share different approaches, success stories, and lessons learned in their efforts to partner with the community to connect with their intended audience. By sharing insights and discussing challenges, participants can collectively develop effective strategies for leveraging community involvement to strengthen pathway programs. The discussion aims to facilitate collaboration and inspire innovative approaches to building relationships within our communities and connecting with our audience.

While community engagement presents immense opportunities, it also faces challenges, including difficulties in establishing and sustaining engagement, decreasing university support, and managing potential conflicts of interest and diverse stakeholder expectations. There is also a need for innovative approaches to ensure inclusivity, avoid tokenism, and foster genuine community relationships. Furthermore, organizations often fail to identify their audience’s needs, and develop a logic model and sustainable plan to meet those needs. This roundtable discussion aims to address these challenges by sharing experiences, exploring practical solutions, and identifying methods of utilizing the community to promote the long-term success of our intended audience.

MCAT’s, DAT’s, and GRE’s, Oh My! No Need to See a Wizard to Demystify the Steps of Starting Standardized Test Preparation Courses Within Pathway and Bridge Programs
Edgar Meyer - University of Mississippi Medical Center
Becky Ostendorf - The Princeton Review
Brian Hadden - The Princeton Review
Location: Session Room 4, Table C

Although many institutions have adopted holistic admission processes for applicants to health professional programs, grade point averages (GPA’s) and standardized test scores remain crucial metrics in determining applicants’ acceptance eligibility. However, many pathway and postbaccalaureate programs do not incorporate standardized test prep courses into their curricula, leaving the responsibility of improving standardized test scores with students. Nevertheless, program administrators and faculty who take steps to start standardized test prep courses can leverage programmatic biomedical science course content not only to prepare students for future health professional degree program courses’ content but also to prepare them for standardized test content.

This roundtable discussion session is relevant to the Association of STEMM Pathway and Bridge Programs (ASPBP) because it highlights initiation procedures for standardized test preparation courses within pathway and postbaccalaureate programs. Many struggling students needing to increase their standardized test scores and competitiveness for health professional degree program admission identify with underserved and underrepresented minority populations. Because test preparation courses potentially provide these student populations with needed resources that can increase their sense of belonging within program cohorts, this session aligns with the ASPBP’s mission to develop best practices needed to achieve inclusivity and equity across the education continuum.

Moreover, this session topic is important because it provides best practices for incorporating preparation courses for standardized tests such as the Dental Admission Test (DAT), Graduate Record Examination (GRE), and Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) into postbaccalaureate program curricula, allowing programs to advertise test preparation as an added program benefit that many postbaccalaureate students seeking careers in medicine or dentistry will need in addition to biomedical science knowledge. This session also shares, from individuals who have successfully started program-based standardized test preparation courses, insights that can potentially make test preparation course initiation and implementation easier for individuals at other institutions.

Therefore, the rationale behind this session is to demystify steps necessary to initiate and integrate standardized test preparation courses into pathway and postbaccalaureate program curricula. Steps include developing partnerships with test preparation companies like The Princeton Review, signing contracts that engender discounts and other added benefits for programs and students, and establishing recommendations for course timelines that maximize students’ successful standardized test score achievements and subsequent matriculation into their desired health professional degree programs. This session will also encourage faculty and administrators’ sharing triumphs and challenges faced at their institutions in providing resources for students to improve standardized test scores.

Major challenges historically have included competing factors for time and money that students can devote to standardized test preparation while also being enrolled in degree or certificate postbaccalaureate or pathway programs. This session aims to address such challenges with proposed effective solutions while also fostering conversations about additional concerns or other unaddressed problems surrounding standardized test preparation, such as problem-solving strategies to address students’ unaffected or limited growth in test scores, despite interventional measures, and other measures of student success when standardized tests such as the GRE are no longer requirements for acceptance into certain graduate and allied health programs.

Researching the Research Requirement: A Student-Faculty Approach on Research in Bridge/Pathway Programs
Michelle L. Demory - Nova Southeastern University, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine
Tyrese Claridge-Rogers - Nova Southeastern University, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine
Breanne Edgecombe - Nova Southeastern University, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine
Joshua Costin - Nova Southeastern University, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine
Location: Session Room 5, Table A

Research experience aids in developing critical thinking, hypothesis-driven inquiry, and written and oral communication. Given the importance of research to the overall development of students within bridge/pathway programs and their transition to health professions graduate schools, we believe research should be incorporated into these programs. However, should research be part of the curriculum, or should our programs include research as an extra-curricular experience? To address this, we wish to compare, contrast, and explore our experiences with other PPB leaders to discuss best practices for research experience, necessary resources, and the associated advantages and disadvantages.

The concept of incorporating pathway programs and bridges is designed to give students an opportunity to become competitive applicants for health professions programs by enhancing their academic background. However, by integrating research into these programs, students can broaden their potential for critical thinking and professional skills development. Not only does research expose students to a field of learning opportunities, but also it aids in their transition into professional health programs such as medical schools where the demand for research is increasing as it becomes more beneficial during the residency match process.

The main topics that we will address are to determine whether research should be an intra or extracurricular activity, whether the research experience needs to be the same for all students, and what should be the overarching goals of research in these programs. By shedding light on the importance and relevance of these topics, it will allow programs to set a foundation on how to establish the best practices to integrate research for their students.

Having an open forum that includes students and faculty alike will yield a broad array of responses that can be acted upon. This type of forum is pivotal to ensure the appropriate manner of incorporation of research into bridge/pathway programs. Allowing individuals from both sides of the table (students/faculty) a chance to offer their viewpoints, concerning issues, and solutions to such issues will give program administrators the tools they need to assure their research delivery is not only efficient, but fair for all.

The main challenge to incorporating research is ensuring it is offered in a way that is most beneficial to the student, regardless of their professional track. Factors that could influence efficaciousness include modality (in-person or virtual), type of research offered, whether research is required or an elective, and more. Most of the factors listed above may also raise the concern of whether the method of research incorporation is fair for all students. While the goal is to utilize research to advance a prospective professional student’s skill set and profile, it is vital to give everyone a balanced playing field.

Engaging Students in Mention Journeys in their Own Backyards: Opening Ways to Reach Students
Robert Trevino - Tour for Diversity in Medicine
Kameron Matthews - Tour for Diversity in Medicine
Brandi Freeman - Colorado Children's Hospital
Alden Landry - Tour for Diversity in Medicine
​​​​​​​Location: Session Room 5, Table B

Trainees face many obstacles in applying to health professions. Reaching them for appropriate mentorship can be just as challenging. Organizations must be adaptive to student needs but this can present its own set of challenges. The Tour for Diversity is a nonprofit organization that has found ways to mentor students through in person sessions across the country, through partnership with student organizations & institutions, and pivoting to virtual programming due to the pandemic.

Mentors are part of the Tour for Diversity in Medicine, an organization that has participated in previous ASPBP events. The experiences of the mentors come from many different aspects of medicine and leadership.

Many organizations have challenges related to pathway programming but struggle with addressing those challenges. The roundtable will share best practices and allow for the audience to engage and share their experiences as well. The organization has seen growth in over a decade of existence. This has also included an expansion of the Pre-Health programs supported.

The round table will provide a space to address best practices from a wide set of leaders with an interest in the pathway system. Their experiences span K-12, undergraduate, and medical student mentorship. All have been a part of organizations that needed to pivot approach due to challenges faced, whether it be traditional obstacles like time and budget or novel problems like COVID-19 pandemic.

Panelists will discuss their experiences in the pathways space, ranging from non profit organizations, such as Tour for Diversity in Medicine, to academic institutions. Experiences also include work within personal organizations as both student leaders and alumni leaders.

Optimizing Orientation: Setting Students Up for Success From Day One
Mia Uzcategui - Florida International University
Angeline Morales - Florida International University
Remsly Mesidor - Florida International University
Tracey Weiler - Florida International University
​​​​​​​Location: Session Room 5, Table C

The Graduate Certificate Program (GCP) in Molecular and Biomedical Sciences at Florida International University, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine is a post-baccalaureate program serving to enhance students’ academic and professional qualifications on the path to a medical career. The program reinforces basic science concepts seen in first-year medical school. The curriculum strengthens understanding of clinical sciences through small cohorts, active and collaborative learning, frequent group activities, faculty and alumni mentorships, volunteer opportunities, and AMCAS advising in an effort to make students well-rounded applicants. This round table discussion will address best practices during orientation to ensure student academic success.

ASPBP is focused on determining best practices for STEMM pathway and bridge programs. An important element in these programs is to define the academic learning culture at the very beginning, and foster that culture throughout the program. Identification of best practices to foster an actively inclusive learning environment at program orientation is relevant for any post-bacc or graduate program interested in establishing an environment most conducive to student success. Developing these skills and strategies within pathway and bridge programs sets students up for success in their subsequent healthcare training program.

Typical undergraduate biomedical education is a non-cohort-based, competitive environment which doesn’t foster belonging, collaboration or development of the academic skills necessary to succeed in healthcare training programs. Studies show that students with a sense of belonging have improved learning and wellness. Fostering a culture of inclusion, collaboration, and open communication among faculty, staff, and students can enhance student satisfaction and trust in their faculty, thereby making them more open to accepting recommendations for revamping their academic study skills. Students with strong academic success strategies are more likely to perform well, improving matriculation rates to graduate healthcare training programs.

Students may feel unprepared for the rigors of a post-bacc/graduate program in comparison to their undergraduate experiences. Upon entering their graduate program, many students discover that the learning habits established during their undergraduate years are incompatible with success in the compressed time frame of a rigorous post-bacc program. The objectives of this roundtable are to discuss how to manage student expectations from day one and orient students toward best practices to optimize their academic success and wellness. We intend to share student perspectives on interventions intended to set students up for success in their pre-professional training program.

Most undergraduate students believe that they have developed sufficient academic strategies to succeed in their post-secondary career training programs. Upon entering post-bacc or professional education, students often feel overwhelmed and underprepared for the volume and level of content. Despite these feelings, these students are often resistant to recommendations for wholesale revision of their academic skills and strategies. Instead, they tweak their current methods to improve their academic performance. The purpose of our roundtable is to brainstorm strategies to foster a culture of belonging and collaboration that enhances the student receptiveness to academic skills content early in the program.

YoJo: Creating An Online Ecosystem for Learners, Mentors, Administrators, and Researchers
Amber Richardson - Center for Pathway Programs at Duke
Charles Muiruri - Center for Pathway Programs at Duke
Julia Derk - Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Collective for Psychiatric Neuroengineering
Douglass Coleman - BOOST Program at Duke University School of Medicine
Amanda McMillan - Duke Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute
Melanie Perez-Romero - BOOST Program at Duke University School of Medicine​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​Location: Session Room 5, Table D

The Center for Pathway Programs facilitates academic and career development opportunities for students, trainees, and faculty by promoting persistence in pathway programs. We define pathway programs as any program designed to prepare someone for the next step in their academic or career journey. The Center aligns the efforts of various pathway programs to create an ecosystem in which participants easily identify and seamlessly transition between opportunities that advance their learning. At its core, The Center supports pathway programs so that together, we reduce barriers to access—and mitigate the impact of societal inequities—for underrepresented minority and disadvantaged students.

The Center created “YoJo: Your Journey,” a one-stop shop for pathway learners and administrators in response to the needs of our stakeholders, including ASPBP. Learners use YoJo to identify and apply for programs, and upon completion, YoJo recommends additional opportunities that advance learners to their next stage. Learners use YoJo to chart paths as early and far out as desired. Program administrators use YoJo to attract learners, track progress, and evaluate the efficacy of programs. YoJo’s data help administrators, The Center, and the larger pathway ecosystem understand where learners need the most support and which interventions are most effective.

At ASPBP 22, we conducted a poster presentation to share our value proposition as a hub within the pathway ecosystem that fosters intra-program learning and leverages collective resources. Our workshop included a SWOT analysis that gauged stakeholder willingness to replace siloed program operations with an ecosystemic approach. Attendees emphatically articulated that a) pathway programs are often underresourced and need help establishing and systematizing core functions like recruitment, candidate selection, participant tracking, and program evaluation, and b) programs welcome this kind of support and coordination. In short, program admins want relief from administrative burdens that divert from program innovation and enhancement.

YOJO offers a tangible solution to inefficiencies administrators encounter when running pathway programs and the obstacles learners face in accessing pathways to advancement. The Center’s implementation of stakeholder-led, ecosystemic approaches to supporting pathway programs yields community-minded methodologies, holistic considerations for learner support and program evaluation, and a powerful tool that combines it all. We’re eager to discuss:
-reduction of administrative burden inherent in managing resource-intensive program operations
-amplified workforce development potential via efficient systems and intentional community engagement
-integration of cascading mentoring and mentorship development
-innovative evaluation measures centering STEM identity and belonging as key indicators of success

To address the dearth of research on the effectiveness of pathway programs, The Center is coordinating pathway efforts primarily through YOJO as a tangible tool for pathway persistence and program support. As more programs adopt YOJO, our stakeholder network will have access to more data demonstrating the effect of interventions aimed at increasing pathway persistence. Furthermore, recognizing that holistic support—including that of families and mentors—is critical for persistence, we’re focusing on facilitating these relationships within and beyond YOJO, and seek to contribute to conversations and research on this topic, especially as related to pathway success for URMs.