Building the Health Care Pipeline from Elementary Student to Medical Student
Thursday, October 3, 2024
1:00 PM - 1:40 PM (EDT)

Hanna Stone, University of Iowa Health Care


University of Iowa Health Care STEM Education programs are committed to empowering Iowa’s diverse K-12 students to explore, engage, and excel in STEM careers, with a special emphasis on cultivating a passion for health care careers. Our mission is to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and resources essential for success in the dynamic field of health care through educational programming, while fostering a culture of health literacy and community well-being. Fifteen years ago, we launched our programs as a result of a statewide STEM initiative to raise Iowa students’ math and science test scores and address the rapidly growing demand for qualified STEM professionals. We created a program to excite students early on about health care professions, nurture their passion and interest in STEM, inspire the future health professionals in Iowa, and teaching students healthy habits to grow into healthy adults.  

Our program serves as a crucial component in the health care workforce pipeline by engaging K-12 students at various stages of their educational journey. Our pipeline begins with engaging elementary students in hands-on activities that introduce fundamental concepts in science and medicine. These activities foster curiosity and lay the groundwork for understanding health-related principles. Moving into middle school, our program shifts focus to career exploration, offering students opportunities to delve deeper into health professions through interactive sessions and tours with health care professionals. For high schoolers, our program emphasizes practical experience with group job shadows, direct interactions with health care providers, and guidance on navigating the next steps toward pursuing health care careers. Coming full circle, we engage medical students or practicing health professionals to share their experiences and knowledge inspiring the next generation, building affinity to our institution through community engagement, and cultivating an active alumni base. This comprehensive approach ensures that students not only develop a strong foundation in health knowledge but also gain practical insights and mentorship critical for their future success in the medical field. 

Our program is designed to introduce K-12 students across Iowa to the diverse career opportunities within health care through tailored programming to fit their needs. Many students already know what their future career goals are by the time they reach high school, so exposing K-8 students to career exploration is crucial. To increase awareness of the many possibilities in the health care field and foster interest early on, we are committed to engagement beginning as early as elementary school. 

Through our experience, we have identified several best practices in engaging K-12 students in health care career exploration. Incorporating hands-on activities and connecting what students learn in the classroom with real world applications in STEM programming is the most effective way for students to envision themselves within the health care field and provide a memorable experience. Personalized learning experiences and collaborating with community partners and our health care providers enriches our program, offering students authentic learning opportunities and a glimpse into real-world health care applications.

Presentation Topic(s)
Presentation Tag(s)
K-8, High School, Outreach