Helping Your Students/Alumni Write About "Other Impactful Experiences"
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM (EDT)

Emil Chuck - Health Professional Student Association


In 2024, AMCAS and ERAS applicants have an opportunity to discuss "Other Impactful Experiences" that define their motivation to pursue medicine/residency. This is a great opportunity for alumni of pathway programs to reflect on the impact of their experiences. Preliminary data from HPSA/SDN surveys reveals the topics prospective applicants consider for this new prompt, but educational opportunities (like pipeline programs) were rarely mentioned. Students may need guidance or encouragement from program directors and admissions professionals to submit an effective and authentic response.  By crowdsourcing insights from conference participants, a guide for AMCAS/ERAS applicants can be drafted and ultimately distributed to alumni of pathway programs.  How are candidates encouraged to reflect on a pathway program's impact on their readiness for a health professional career?

Presentation Topic(s)
Recruitment and Retention
Presentation Tag(s)
Pre-Med, Post-Bacc, Pre-Matriculation