Pre-Matriculation Programming: Sharing Models, Common Challenges, and Potential Strategies
Thursday, October 3, 2024
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM (EDT)

Margaret A. Hadinger - OnlineMedEd
Courtney E. Cross - OnlineMedEd
Priyadarshini Dattathreya - OnlineMedEd



Pre-matriculation programs – defined as programs offered to entering pre-health students who have been accepted but have not yet formally matriculated/begun their health education program - are increasing in popularity in medical education. With the increase in pre-matriculation programs offered, there is increase in the diversity of program models, as well as heterogeneity in target audiences, desired outcomes, strategies, and methods of evaluation.

Relevance to ASPBP

Pre-matriculation programs represent an important element within the larger landscape of pre-health pathways programs. Understanding the goals and challenges of pre-matriculation programs is crucial for pathway programs to effectively adapt and address them to ensure that students are better prepared to transition into medical school.

Importance of the Topic or Problem

Understanding the different pre-matriculation models currently in existence – as well as those in development – is important for any educators/administrators currently engaged in pre-matriculation programming or seeking to establish a pre-matriculation program at their own institution.

Rationale for the Roundtable/Problem-Solving Session

This roundtable discussion will allow opportunity for informal sharing among participants about their current understanding regarding pre-matriculation programs. The discussion will allow time sharing about the different pre-matriculation models known to discussion participants and for comparison of the advantages and drawbacks of each model. Such informal discussion is often one of the most sought-after needs of educators/administrators engaged in work in specific types of programming such as the pre-matriculation space.

 Challenges/Concerns/Gaps in the Field Being Addressed

One challenge in the pre-matriculation space is the plethora of program models available. It is essential for medical schools to adapt them to the unique circumstances of each medical school. Another is the relative absence of literature on best practices for developing and implementing pre-matriculation programming.

Learning Objectives

Through this roundtable discussion, participants will:

  1. Describe different models of pre-matriculation programs.
  2. Compare and contrast pre-matriculation programming models.
  3. Identify avenues for learning more about pre-matriculation resources.
  4. Identify challenges in developing and implementing pre-matriculation initiatives

Discussion Triggers

  1. What pre-matriculation program models are you aware of or have experience with?
  2. Does your institution currently offer pre-matriculation programming? If yes, briefly describe the program offered.
  3. What are some of the successes of your programs?
  4. What challenges have you encountered or do you foresee with this program model?
  5. What strategies are you implementing or could you implement to address these challenges?
  6. What advice do you have for someone charged with developing and implementing a new pre-matriculation program at their institution?
Presentation Topic(s)
Student Affairs
Presentation Tag(s)
Pre-Matriculation, Best Practices, Innovation