Expanding Access to Medical School for Pre-Collegiate, Rural Youth
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)

Jakyn Tyson - University of Georgia
Lee Anna Deal - University of Georgia
Be-Atrice Cunningham - Mercer University School of Medicine



Georgia is ranked among the ten worst states for most health outcome measures. Rural Georgia communities face many unique challenges in achieving and maintaining health due to complex social, geographic, and economic factors. Of the state’s 159 counties, 64 of those counties have no pediatrician; 79 have no obstetrician/gynecologist; and nine have no doctor. Those areas, plus approximately 100 more rural counties with populations of less than 50,000, are classified by the federal government as medically underserved by primary care physicians. Recent workforce data indicates Georgia would need almost 600 additional primary care doctors to eliminate shortages. 


To help meet this need, Georgia 4-H partnered with Mercer University School of Medicine (MUSM) to offer a unique experience for 4-H youth interested in medical careers. MUSM's mission is to educate physicians and health professionals to meet the primary care needs of rural, medically underserved areas of Georgia. Many 4-H’ers are from these rural communities. “Setting Your Sights on Medical School” was developed for 9th-12th grade students to introduce, inspire, and empower rural Georgia youth to the pursuit of healthcare careers. Participants explore rural health needs, medical school resources, and admission requirements through interactive stations with MUSM faculty, staff, and students.


Through this partnership, 123 youth visited Mercer’s campuses, interacted with medical school students, and learned about rural health in Georgia. Evaluations show a meaningful majority of participants rated all program components as effective:

  • 99% have more knowledgeable of healthcare career opportunities
  • 98% have more knowledge of resources to be successful in medical school
  • 98% feel comfortable seeking more information about medical school
  • 97% see medical school as an option
  • 96% better understand academic requirements for medical school
  • 95% have increased awareness of rural health needs
  • 94% have increased understanding of the application process
  • 92% are more motivated to attend medical school 


There exists a need to educate Georgia high school students from rural areas about the benefits, need, and attainability of healthcare professions. By increasing awareness of medicine, programs like Setting Your Sights on Medical School, will assist in meeting the critical need for rural healthcare workers. The diverse seminars provided participants with an experiential, comprehensive picture of the health care career options available in the state. Several former participants have gone on to pursue a medical career and credit this collaboration for igniting a passion for rural health care and demonstrating that those aspirations were attainable.

Presentation Topic(s)
Recruitment and Retention
Presentation Tag(s)
High School Students, Outreach, Innovation