HPSA Situational Judgment Experience Survey: Preparing for Casper, PREview, and Kira Talent
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)

Emil Chuck - Health Professional Student Association


Situational judgment tests (SJTs) bring the promise of providing admissions committees standardized information about candidates' preprofessional competencies to complement academic metrics and experiences in their applications. Although SJTs have been used in admissions for over a decade, their rising prominence in US medical school admissions following the COVID-19 pandemic has raised concerns about their use in admissions decisions. SJTs are also being considered to select high school students for entry to preprofessional undergraduate programs and shortlist candidates for residency. In 2022 and 2023, HPSA delivered an anonymous survey about the SJT experience in preparing and taking these virtual, asynchronous, video-based assessments. Our findings confirm those of the NAAHP Testing Task Force report (published September 2023) regarding Casper and PREview usage in medical school admissions. This presentation will include new insights from school-run SJT's (Kira Talent platform, for example) as their use has surprised many dental applicants this year. The use of these SJT's should be disclosed in the MSAR and DSE.

Presentation Topic(s)
Evaluation and Research
Presentation Tag(s)
High School, Undergraduate Students, Post-Bacc