Pre-Matriculation Programming: Sharing 3 Program Models
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM (EDT)

Margaret A. Hadinger - OnlineMedEd
Steve Schneid - University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
Rachel Scott - Ross University School of Medicine



Pre-matriculation programs are increasing in number across health professions education and training programs. This panel will focus on pre-matriculation programs in U.S. medical schools. Panelists will share 3 examples of different programs/program models currently in existence. Panelists will share about different target audiences, desired outcomes, evaluation methods.

Importance of the Topic or Problem

Understanding the different pre-matriculation models currently in existence – as well as those in development – is important for any educators/administrators currently engaged in pre-matriculation programming or seeking to establish a pre-matriculation program at their own institution.

Rationale for the Panel

Pre-matriculation programs – defined as programs offered to entering pre-health students who have been accepted but have not yet formally matriculated/begun their health education program - are increasing in popularity in medical education. With the increase in pre-matriculation programs offered, there is increase in the diversity of program models, as well as heterogeneity in target audiences, desired outcomes, strategies, and methods of evaluation.

Challenges/Concerns/Gaps in the Field Being Addressed

One challenge in the pre-matriculation space is the plethora of program models available. It is essential for medical schools to adapt them to the unique circumstances of each medical school. This panel will address these challenges as panelists share first-hand experience with developing and implementing pre-matriculation programs that meet the particular needs of their institution.

Presentation Topic(s)
Student Affairs
Presentation Tag(s)
Pre-Matriculation, Best Practices, Innovation