Full Name
Melissa Chen
Associate Professor, ICC Clinical Director, Health Equity Content Director
Rosalind Franklin University
Dr. Melissa Chen is the Clinical Director and faculty leader for the Interprofessional Community Clinic, RFU's student-led pro bono clinic. She is an internist keenly interested in upstream health care and illuminating the social and structural determinants and disparities that fundamentally affect patient health. She is creating and directing the incorporation of health equity content into the CMS longitudinal curriculum.

Dr. Chen is certified in internal medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine. She completed her residency at the University of Washington, medical degree from Vanderbilt, and undergraduate degree from Harvard. Professional experience includes hospitalist work in Seattle and 10 years of experience as a clinician for the underserved at HealthReach, Lake County's only free clinic for a time. RFU honors include the Laurence Medoff Award for outstanding teaching and clinical practice, CMS Champion Award, AOA Volunteer Clinical Faculty Award, M2 Champion of Change, and Outstanding Online Elective Professor.
Melissa Chen