Student evaluation of teaching - aligning design and utilization
Date & Time
Monday, June 10, 2019, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Mari Hopper Denise Kay
The proposed focus session explores how the original intended purpose of student evaluation of teaching (SET) differs from current use, and how SET can be updated for better alignment. The original purpose of SET was to inform faculty about strengths and weaknesses of instructional practices. However, a study by Hiltner and Loyland (1998), reports that nearly two-thirds of faculty do not believe SET is capable of discriminating between effective and ineffective teaching. The issue is compounded by the fact that students, who are untrained and often subjective evaluators, are given little instruction on effective evaluation and full impact of SET. SET use has expanded to include administrative decisions. The impact of SET is highlighted by White et al.'s report (2014) that teaching ranked first when making decisions related to tenure, salary and promotion, and administrators rank student ratings first in importance in evaluation of teaching. As a result, faculty may be reluctant to try innovative methods that may be negatively perceived by students. SET composition and delivery have not evolved to align with current use. SET questions and student instructions designed to align with use would be beneficial to students, and to the faculty and administrators who use SET to make important decisions. It is time to re-think SET, and bring faculty, administrators, and assessment specialists into the conversation to determine best practice in delivery and utilization of SET.
Session Objectives:
  1. Describe the history of student evaluation of teaching (SET).
  2. Discuss faculty perceptions on use of SET, and how faculty views differ from administers perceptions.
  3. Contrast and compare items included in student evaluations currently used by attendees (attendees will be asked to bring a copy of student evaluations with them to the session)
  4. Compose a list of best-practice procedures in writing SET items considering that SET is used as important criteria for promotion, salary, tenure and awards.
  5. Identify the key elements that should be included in the instructions to be delivered to students prior to completion of SET
  6. Develop an exemplar model of a student evaluation instrument reflecting current use 
Location Name
Full Address
The Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center
110 Shenandoah Ave NW
Roanoke, VA 24016
United States
Session Type