Integrating Foundational Science and Patient Care in the Post-Clerkship Curriculum
Date & Time
Friday, February 28, 2020, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Kimberly Dahlman - Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Neil Osheroff - Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Cathleen Pettepher - Vanderbilt
Neil Osheroff - Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Cathleen Pettepher - Vanderbilt

Physicians must have a strong understanding of the foundational sciences that underlie clinical practice. This basic science knowledge creates a framework for clinical knowledge, increasing the ability to learn new information, relate new learning to past information, and problem-solve effectively. These abilities are key skills of adaptive expertise and are thought to represent excellence in clinical performance. Recently, it has been recognized that foundational science education should not be limited to the first year of medical school and that it should occur across the entire medical curriculum. Although most modern undergraduate medical curricula have successfully integrated clinical materials into the pre-clerkship curriculum, intentional integration of foundational sciences into the "clinical years" has proven to be challenging. Effective incorporation of foundational sciences into the post-clerkship curriculum requires a commitment to integration at the program, course, and session levels. All three levels will be addressed in this workshop. However, the emphasis of the activities will focus on the integration of foundational sciences and patient care at the course and session levels.
Session Type