Implementing Active Learning at Your School: Approaches from Three Institutions
Date & Time
Friday, February 28, 2020, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
William Jeffries - Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
N. Kevin Krane - Tulane University School of Medicine
Richard Vari - Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
N. Kevin Krane - Tulane University School of Medicine
Richard Vari - Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine

Medical education has embraced the key principles of active learning. A common approach is the use of the "flipped classroom," requiring students to prepare and then experience pedagogies that require application of that new knowledge. This paradigm change requires significant student and faculty development and often a dramatic change in culture. The challenge becomes how to move an institution, its faculty and students to appreciate the benefits of active learning using the flipped classroom. A recent meta-analysis of 28 studies (HEW and LO, BMC Medical Education 2018;18:38) showed improved learning using the flipped classroom vs. traditional lectures. Another meta-analysis of 46 studies in health professions education also demonstrated improved examination scores (K Chen, et al., Medical Education 2018;52: 910- 924). However, understanding what active learning really means and how to implement newer educational formats in settings where both faculty and students are used to participating in traditional lecture or passive formats is a major challenge. This workshop, from three perspectives is designed to help medical educators move from traditional, passive educational formats to active learning using various flipped classroom pedagogies. Based on the different approaches used by each school, implementation differences between revolution -moving to an entirely new curriculum vs evolution - moving a traditional curriculum to flipped classrooms will be addressed.
Session Type