Fostering Student and Faculty Well-being at Academic Health Centers
Date & Time
Friday, February 28, 2020, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Jo Bishop - Bond University
Diann S Eley - The University of Queensland
Aviad Haramati - Georgetown University School of Medicine
Diann S Eley - The University of Queensland
Aviad Haramati - Georgetown University School of Medicine

Concerns regarding the mental health of students is an urgent and pressing issue in medical education. However, of equal or even greater concern is the well-being of medical school faculty, with over 43% reporting being under stress and an additional 30% experiencing symptoms of burnout. (AAMC 2018) Although concerns about rising burnout and depression are often portrayed as a recent epidemic; in reality, the medical fraternity has grappled with these issues for over eight decades. Considerations of factors that impact on student well-being have led to a number of effective interventions that promote well-being. These range from changes to the curriculum, introduction of pass-fail grading and courses to foster mind-body awareness and self-care. While these initiatives have merit, and have heightened our attention to the problem, they only address part of contributing factors. What is missing are strategies to address the culture of the learning environment - that is, the well-being of faculty who effectively create the environment in which our students and trainees learn and work. The purpose of the focus session is to address the learning environment by engaging participants in thoughtful discussions of the factors that contribute to a healthy, supportive and nurturing learning environment and share descriptions of successful interventions that foster both student and faculty well-being.
Session Type