"Flipped Classroom Learning"- A virtual reality
Date & Time
Friday, February 28, 2020, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

The flipped classroom (FCR) is a pedagogical model in which the didactic lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. Flipping a classroom has a number of potential benefits, for example increased educator- learner interaction, but needs careful planning and implementation to support effective learning. Educators who have used this approach, say that the flipped classroom improves student self-direction and encourages students to take responsibility for their own education. However, the important pre-requisites for this approach are time and work involved in remodelling course material on the part of facilitators and willingness for active participation by the students. In this focus session, we aim to give the faculty, hands on experience of how to design a flipped classroom teaching. There are two approaches which we are going to explore in this session, face to face teaching and virtual teaching in a distant learning model through zoom conference and online Poll application. The resources used for this session shall be based on available literature alongside the speakers' experience of using this approach in a medical education setting.
Session Type