PURPOSE With a growing need to assess multiple aspects of pharmacy education, the University of Southern California (USC) sought to develop an innovative approach to improving its assessment processes by creating a web-based software to collect key curricular and programmatic data efficiently. METHODS AARDVARC, the Automated Approach to Reviewing and Developing Valuable Assessment Resources for your Curriculum, was originally developed as a way to review, track, and centralize course syllabi. However, soon after the initial development and implementation of AARDVARC, we soon learned the power of the portal and the richness of curricular and faculty data that could be obtained by querying each field within the syllabus portal. Data analytics that previously took months to complete were able to be completed in minutes, including the coverage of program outcomes, course learning objectives, teaching and assessment methods, course readings, topics covered in didactic and experiential curricula, amount of time covered on each topic, and the number of hours faculty were teaching in each program. RESULTS Two and a half years after its initial launch, AARDVARC is now universally used by the course coordinators (40-45 faculty) who teach didactic courses within the PharmD program (60-65 courses per year) and is now being expanded to the graduate programs at the Keck School of Medicine of USC.  AARDVARC has helped the School reimagine how assessment can be conducted and is now being used for programmatic, curricular, faculty, teaching, business, and financial assessment. CONCLUSION Using a combination of best practices in teaching, assessment, syllabus development, and technology, the USC School of Pharmacy has been able to develop an innovative approach to implementing effective assessment while improving overall quality, speed, efficiency, and cost.