Full Name
Keyna Bracken
Chair, Preclerkship
McMaster University
Dr. Keyna Bracken is a Professor in the department of Family Medicine (FM) at McMaster University with a full time academic clinical practice where she supervises postgraduate residents in FM. Bracken is the Chair Pre-Clerkship at the DeGroote School of Medicine where she actively works to champion PBL, promote generalism, ideal learning environments and acts a lead for longitudinal integration across UG and PG FM education. A graduate of the McMaster MD program, Bracken has extensive experience with PBL from personal to extensive tutorial facilitation and recently in collaboration with colleagues in Faculty Development created an asynchronous and synchronous tutor PBL training program. Bracken served in her preclerkship Chair capacity as one of several key curricular chairs during the Spring 2023 accreditation of the MD program and has participated as part of several CACMS accreditation teams.
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