Full Name
Michael Siu Hong Wan
Head of Basic and Clinical Sciences Domain
University of Notre Dame
Michael is the former Head of Assessment in the School of Medicine Sydney at the University of Notre Dame, Australia. He undertook his Cardiology Fellowship at Westmead Hospital, Sydney. He has published more than 100 abstracts and articles in peer reviewed journals, many of them were on medical education and assessment. His current research interest is in assessment of clinical reasoning. He has also published books on Problem Based Learning (PBL) and clinical reasoning. He is the review panelist for many medical education journals and has been collaborating with the Australian Medical Council (AMC), Medical Dean of Australia and New Zealand (MDANZ), University of Adelaide and AMSAC on calibration of assessment items in Australia.He received the Vice Chancellor’s Award for excellence in teaching and the Australian Office of Leaning & Teaching National Citation Award. He has recently been conferred the Fellowship of the Australia and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (FANZAHPE).
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