FS: Telehealth, Telemedicine and e-Health: advancing health professions education beyond boundaries
Date & Time
Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

The purpose of this session is to present and discuss alternatives on how to take advantage of available technologies and infrastructure of telehealth, telemedicine and e-health to advance health profession education. This need emerged amid the pandemic, to provide patients and their families of support and guidance, but it also brought opportunities for our students to continue their training and be involved in this once-in-a-lifetime experience.  Although as institutions we were not prepared for a crisis of this magnitude, the challenges that have emerged have make us thrive as a community that is learning from the experience. We have discovered innovative ways to accompany our students in their first encounters with patients, developed simulated scenarios where students can experiment the dynamic of a decision-room on public health, and recreated virtual laboratories in which to perform a RT-PCR Diagnostic. In this session, we seek to create a forum for participants to learn how to implement telehealth opportunities in the medical school curriculum. We will provide a brief overview of telehealth in medical education. Presenters will showcase a variety of telehealth examples. Attendees will explore opportunities to simultaneously engage in educational scholarship in telehealth during clinical experiences (e. g. , clerkship). 

Session Objectives:

  1. Present institutional, local, and international Telehealth, Telemedicine and e-Health initiatives highlighting the resources that were required, the time of the implementation, and obtained results. 
  2. Identify key elements that contribute to the success of these initiatives. 
  3. Propose regional and international initiatives where educators can join forces for larger-scale projects that incorporate Telehealth, Telemedicine and e-Health.
Belinda Del Carmen Carrion Chavarria Mildred Lopez Silvia Olivares Olivares Rachel Salas