Purpose The fast pace of medical education often leaves little time for reflection or for developing and practicing the skills needed to be intentional and authentic leaders. The goal of the session is to offer participants a facilitated opportunity to explore and improve their leadership behaviors.
Goals By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
- Recognize that leadership roles expand beyond traditional administrative positions.
- Identify leadership opportunities within your sphere of influence. • Describe the purpose of the Bolman and Deal leadership framework.
- Describe each of the four frames in the Bolman and Deal leadership framework and identify aspects of each.
- Rank the most appropriate frames to use in different situations, taking into account the scenario and your own leadership style.
Timeliness and Significance to the Field Each of us has the opportunity to be a leader in medical education, whether it is establishing a vision for a course, an office, or modeling behaviors that others may emulate. Our success depends on identifying leadership opportunities within our area of influence. Although we are frequently asked to take on, or seek out, leadership roles, we typically receive little or no specific training in how to be an effective leader. This session aims to address this gap by familiarizing attendees with a proven leadership framework and providing an opportunity to practice applying it.
Workshop description including teaching methods and timeline for educational activities Speakers will introduce themselves and the session objectives (5 min). A brief activity will allow participants to determine their personal leadership orientation using the Bolman and Deal four frame model (Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership. Bolman and Deal, 2008) (25 min). The remainder of the session will be done using TBL format. Participants will then be broken into groups and given a brief preparatory reading assignment. Comprehension will be assessed using iRAT/tRAT (45 min) and cases will be delivered using tAPP questions emphasizing core issues and decision making (45 min). Participants will be given short scenarios to further practice and resolve leadership challenges using the four frame model. The remaining time in the session is a debrief for the large group to share and learn from their own experience and also an opportunity for participants to write down a challenge they currently face at their home institution, apply the session lessons to meet them and potentially consult with another participant about solutions and approaches. This will be guided by a worksheet (60 min).
Presenter's qualifications/expertise in area Dr. Burns is a leader developing new medical schools and implementing innovative education programs. He has focused on preparing students for enduring professional careers by promoting life-long learning habits and linking underlying biomedical science knowledge to clinical skills. He serves the broader education community as Treasurer and Trainer-Consultant for the Team-Based Learning Collaborative, Chair of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) Student Professional Development Committee, and mentor for faculty in leadership and education certificate programs. He has facilitated 15 focus sessions and pre-conference workshops at IAMSE conferences.
Dr. Wragg's experience includes curriculum development, student assessment and programmatic evaluation, faculty development, faculty affairs, and accreditation processes, based on her experience as a team member and team secretary on numerous accreditation surveys of US and Canadian medical schools. Her interest in leadership topic was further fostered when the she was director of the Group on Women in Medicine and Science for the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), a group focusing on gender equity, recruitment and retention, awards and recognition, and career advancement within academic medicine.
Outcomes - What skills will attendees acquire? Participants will leave with new or honed skills, and with a renewed sense of purpose for leading and handling complicated issues at their home institutions. Participants will receive the four domain model which they can use to analyze their leadership behaviors and identify those of their colleagues more quickly and efficiently. They will be given a worksheet to guide leadership problem solving using the domains identified in the session. This will help participants move towards applying the model to leadership challenges at their own institutions.