Flashcards, which utilize the important education concept of active recall, are a study aid used by a majority of medical students. Their use has become so ubiquitous that most of the major commercial Step-prep programs have incorporated flashcards into their course material. One of the most popular flashcard programs is called Anki. Its popularity is due in large part to its extensive use of spaced repetition, which enables students to review difficult flashcards at predetermined future times. Spaced repetition is an evidence-based method to improve studying efficiency and increase long-term memory. Using Anki students can create their own sets of flashcards, called "decks", or they can use pre-made decks that are freely available on the internet. Many of these Anki decks contain a staggering number of cards, the largest of which contain more than 30,000 cards. These decks are so large that students spend multiple hours every day studying these flashcard decks. Unfortunately, many medical students, especially in the second year, forgo classroom activities in order to spend time studying these large flashcard decks and other commercial resources, such as question banks. The purpose of this session is to provide participants the opportunity to discuss the use of flashcards by medical students and discuss ways to incorporate their use into current medical education pedagogy.
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