Many students find themselves thinking about faculty career opportunities that are available besides clinical medicine or biomedical research. The goal of this session is to present potential career opportunities and explain how to prepare for these jobs. The focus session will explain how to prepare your Curriculum Vitae (CV) to stand out in the crowd of applications. In small groups, you will review examples of great CVs and compare them to those CVs that need some work. Finally, the focus session will give tips on how to have the best job interview possible and how to prepare for this interview. Students are encouraged to bring their own CVs to work on during the session. At the end of the session, participants will take home guidelines for preparing your CV and for your job interview and faculty development opportunities in medical education. By the end of this session, participants will be able to: • Identify different career opportunities that include medical education • Compare the educator roles used in different health science education settings • Identify criteria used to select modern medical educators • Identify, address and tailor essential elements of a CV, cover letter, statement of teaching philosophy and writing a diversity statement
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Denver, CO 80202
United States