Tao Le - University of Louisville
Mădălina Mandache - University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova
Evangelos Papageorgiou - Hull York Medical School
Aliye Runyan - ScholarRx
Catarina Pereira da Silva Pais Rodrigues

Traditionally, students are considered to be the consumers of medical education. However, in the last few years, there is a growing interest in student empowerment and their engagement. It has been described that students are able to take a leadership role and facilitate curricular change in medical school[1]. Moreover, there is ongoing focus on the partnership between learner and educator, placing them together as co-creators of online resources and activities [2]. Benefits of this partnership can include increased student confidence and engagement, meta-cognitive learning and development of better curriculum materials [3]. Therefore, medical students with support of faculty partners can develop and share organized curricular resources on a global level [4]. We have established the Medical Student Alliance for Global Education (MeSAGE), a consortium of 9 international organizations representing over 1.3 million members, making it the largest student-driven medical curriculum alliance in the world. MeSAGE is developing open access curriculum bricks, which are modular, integrated health science learning units consisting of illustrated text, interactive multimedia, and formative self-assessment. MeSAGE members work closely with international faculty members implementing a partnership that fosters co-creation of curriculum resources. By the end of this focus session, participants will be able to: Explain the need for student engagement in curriculum development Describe the process of curricular co-creation involving learners and educators Discuss MeSAGE as an example of curricular co-creation on a global scale, including its benefits and limitations Explore opportunities for curricular co-creation at local institutions
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