Lourdes Estrada - Vanderbilt University
Neil Osheroff - Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Over the past decade, many medical/dental/and pharmacy schools have changed their curricula to better meet the demands of modern practitioners. Educators are the agents of this change implementation, resulting in the development of new and innovative programs, courses, and instructional strategies. However, educators commonly have limited training on program evaluation, or the systematic method to collect, analyze, and use information to understand if a program is effective. Knowledge of program evaluation is important to determine if curricular inputs (ranging from individual sessions to large-scale programs) and activities align with the desired program impact and outcomes. The goal of this workshop is to provide health professions educators with a framework for program evaluation so they can fill existing gaps in their evaluation plan and determine whether their program is meeting the intended outcomes. A mixture of interactive large group, peer-to-peer, and individual activities will be used to deliver the session. Workshop participants will develop individual worksheets that document a logic model for their existing or emerging educational program. Implementation of program evaluation should elevate the impact of participants’ educational programs and may lead to career development for promotion through the development of educational scholarship.
1701 California Street
Denver, CO 80202
United States