Jean Klig - Harvard Medical School
Felise Milan - Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Can success evolve from struggle in medical education? There is a growing body of literature in healthcare education [Steenhof N et al. Productive failure as an instructional approach to promote future learning. Adv in Health Sci Educ. 2019;24:739–749] and outside of medicine [Mylopoulos M et al. Developing the experts we need: Fostering adaptive expertise through education. J of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2018;24(3):674-677] that “productive failure” or struggle is an effective instructional modality that can generate long lasting learning and advance one’s ability to add new knowledge in the future. The process of learning and developing competency in medical school invariably entails some level of struggle for all students [Ellaway et al. Situating Remediation: Accommodating Success and Failure in Medical Education Systems. Academic Medicine. 2018;93(3):391-398], and more significant struggle or even failure for some students. Yet only those who fail to meet a competency threshold are specifically provided with remedial support to address their learning challenges in medical school. This approach inherently frames challenge as a problem and thereby stigmatizes the struggling learner [Bennion et al. Untying the Gordian knot: remediation problems in medical schools that need remediation. BMC Medical Education. 2018;18:120]. An alternative is to normalize struggle among all learners, allowing struggle to be viewed as a common and effective strategy for deeper learning. In this 3-hour faculty development workshop, we will examine struggle in learning as an important and normal process in medical school and identify how both coaching and frameworks for change can be integral to this process. The workshop will entail three interactive segments on the following topic areas: normalizing struggle and “productive failure”; approaches to coaching; frameworks for change and next steps. There will be opportunities to discuss understanding students who are struggling, normalizing and addressing student learning struggles, and then to consider strategies to use at home institutions.
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