Meeting the complex needs of our patients goes beyond the boundary of one profession. It requires teamwork and collaboration with other professions and, as a precursor, requires interprofessional education (IPE). IPE requires additional considerations in curriculum design with healthcare simulation a preferred medium for IPE. Interprofessional education requires brave examination of professional boundaries and in the process, skillfully blurring boundaries and creating new boundaries. The pandemic has provided glimpses in how IPE and healthcare simulation will be provided at a distance. Clinicians and Educators are often the designee of such IPE activities, challenged to facilitate the learning of a myriad of professions simultaneously with new technologies. Such boundary-spanning responsibilities seem daunting.
This talk aims to 1) discuss the importance of IPE and how simulation is a vehicle for achieving quality IPE, 2) highlight the role of clinicians as educators as IPE leaders contributing to a new field, and 3) provide tools to assist educators in creating learning beyond boundaries.
Moderated by Dr. Nicole Kelp
1701 California Street
Denver, CO 80202
United States