Poster & Oral Presenters

Oral Presenters

Full NameInstitutionSpeaking At
Erica AuselMarian UniversityStudent Doctor Comfortability in Identifying and Discussing Individualist Healthcare Needs of LGBTQ+ Patients
Blayne Thomason Santa MariaMedical College of GeorgiaStudent Perspectives on the Emotional Journey of Working With Our First Patient - Our Body Donor
Hima NesbitMedical College of Georgia at Augusta UniversityFirst Patient Discoveries Project Enhances Medical Education Through Anatomy Dissections
Buruj MohammedMedical College of WisconsinUsing a Needs Assessment to Inform on the Development of a Diabetes Self-Management Program at a Student-Led Free Clinic
Christopher SimenzMedical College of WisconsinPromotion of Equity-Focused Medical Practice via Community Engagement Across Medical Residency Programs
Ken OnyedibeMercer University School of MedicinePerception of Epidemiology Day Module By Students in a Pre-Clinical Science Master’s Program
Ryan Maureen TubbsMichigan State University College of Human MedicineParental Engagement and Satisfaction of Reach Out To Youth: A Medical Profession Pathway Program for Underserved Youth
Erica SuttonMorehouse School of MedicineEvaluating a Third-Party Education Resource Using the RE-AIM Framework
Mirela Bruza-AugatisNational Commission on Certification of PAsMapping the Landscape: Examining the Attributes of Physician Assistants/Associates Who Completed a Postgraduate Fellowship/Residency
Dawn Morton-RiasNational Commission on Certification of Physician AssistantsCOVID-19 Impact on Physician Assistant/Associate National Certifying Examination (PANCE) Performance
Katelyn CarnevaleNova Southeastern UniversityCombining Collaboration, Competition, and Celebration in an Interactive Capstone Project for Second Year Medical Students
Amber FoutsNova Southeastern UniversityPolarized Vision: The Significance of Vision Tests for Ophthalmology Residency Applicants
Anastasia MashukovaNova Southeastern UniversityBeyond Didactics: Impact of Active Learning in Health Professions Education
Enhancing Physiology Education: The Impact of Active Learning on Exam Scores in a Master of Biological Science Program
The Incorporation of a Large Group Interactive Discussion Integrating Physiology and Pharmacology of the Autonomic Nervous System Improves Academic Outcomes and Students' Attitudes Toward Pre-Clerkship Curriculum
Kyle BauckmanNSU MDProbing the Ethical Aptitude and Perceptions of Medical Students
Piquing Curiosity: The Influence of Pre-Clerkship Education on Learner Curiosity
FS: A Framework for Incorporating Spaced Repetition Tools Into Medical School Curriculum
Melissa ArmasNSU MDNon-Clinical Dual-Track Elective For Integrating Scientific Research In Public Health And Informatics
Ethical Challenges During Clinical Rotations: Social Organizational Challenges and the Social Determinants of Health
Jorge CervantesNSU MDDecoding Medical Educators' Views on Generative AI
Sarah LerchenfeldtOakland University William Beaumont School of MedicineFS: Empowered Learning: Integrating Self-Directed Learning (SDL) in Team-Based Learning (TBL)
The Impact of Team Based Learning (TBL) on Student Response to Medical Uncertainty
Stefanie AttardiOakland University William Beaumont School of MedicineOpening Ceremony
Unconferencing for Basic Science Education Research
Mari HopperOhio University Heritage College of Osteopathic MedicineA Proven Template for Providing Streamlined, Scalable, Cost-Effective Clinical Research Opportunities in Osteopathic Medical Schools
Krishna Mohan SurapaneniPanimalar Medical College Hospital & Research InstituteEducators' Opinions on Establishing Real-time Feedback Systems Using Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education - A Qualitative Analysis
FS: Dynamic Exploration of Narrative Educational Games in Health Sciences: Let's Create the Perfect Tale

Poster Presenters

Full NameInstitutionSpeaking At
Jenny FortunFlorida International UniversityStudy Approaches of Second-Year Medical Students in the Context of Diagnostic Reasoning versus NBME Examinations
FS: Using Generative AI to Develop and Validate Progressive Case Disclosure Exams
John SzarekGCSOMMaking it Stick: Application of Foundational Sciences in the Clinical Phase
FS: AI Kickstart for Health Science Educators: Practical Tools to Get Started Today with AI
FS: Becoming a Generalist Leader: Defining the Concept and Competencies
Lillian LawrenceGeisel school of Medicine at DartmouthA Scalable Model for Training OB/GYN Residents to Manage Perinatal Substance Use Disorders
Sonia LoboGeisinger Commonwealth School Of MedicineA Longitudinal Qualitative Assessment of Medical Nutrition Education at Geisinger
Launa LynchIdaho College of Osteopathic MedicinePCWS: Developing a Statement on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education
Application of a Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Method for Teaching Hypothalamic-Pituitary Concepts in Endocrinology
Andrea BelovichIdaho College of Osteopathic MedicineQuality and Quantity of Social Interactions During COVID-19: A Mixed-Methods Study in Undergraduate Medical Students
Personal Values of Medical Students: A Cross-Sectional Study of Professional Identity Formation
Jennifer HotzmanIdaho College of Osteopathic MedicineReactions and Reflections on Implicit Gender Bias Testing in Undergraduate Medical Educators
Lucía Pérez GómezIFMSAIFMSA Professional Exchange Program - Challenges for Medical Students' Mobility
Developing the Research Educational Value of IFMSA Exchanges Through Educational Activities
Michelle LamIFMSA | International Federation of Medical Students' AssociationsEmpowering Medical Students: IFMSA's Impactful Approach to Social Accountability Through the Online Social Accountability Workshop
Susan DeRiemerKansas College of Osteopathic MedicineWeaving Health Systems Science Themes Together Within Interprofessional Trainings
Zakaria RashidKing's CollegeEvaluating Student and Teacher Perspectives on Peer-Led Mock OSCE: Using Medical Students to Contribute to Undergraduate OSCE Development
Anna HorvathKirk Kerkorian School of Medcine at UNLVComplementary and Alternative Medicine in Undergraduate Medical Education: Longitudinal vs Stand-Alone Curriculum
Zachary LeavittKirk Kerkorian School of MedicineHow Grit Affects Preclinical Medical Education
Kaitlyn NovotnyKirk Kerkorian School of MedicinePromoting Equity in Medical Clerkships Based on Demographic and USMLE Step Exam Analysis
Axel RivasKirk Kerkorian School of MedicineShifting Medical Education: A Survey of AI-Driven Innovations in Learning Media Transformation
Miriam BorvickKirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLVUtilization of AI Study Tools and its Impact on Academic Performance in Undergraduate Medical Education
Marley JacobsKirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLVOptimizing Academic Outcomes: Examining the Impact of Space Repetition on Medical School Performance
Peyton SakelarisKirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLVAssessing the Anticipated Results of the USMLE Step 1 Shift to a Pass/Fail Score
Nicholas StaffaKirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLVExploring the Relationship Between Required In-Class Time and Student Success in Medical School
Steven TataKirk Kerkorian School of Medicine, UNLVAdvancing Medical Education: Exploring Spaced Repetition User Interface Enhancements and Accessibility Innovations