Stephen Schneid | University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Skaggs School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences | A Modified Readiness Assurance Process to Promote Collaborative Learning and Problem-Solving in a Prematriculation Program A Pilot Session in Early Exposure to Harm Reduction: Integrating Health Systems Science Into Prematriculation Medical Education
Marieke Kruidering | University of California San Francisco | Can Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Reliably Score Open-Ended Questions (OEQs) in the Assessment of Medical Knowledge?
Katherine Hyland | University of California, San Francisco | Applying Cognitive Integration: Asynchronous Foundational Science Learning During Clerkships
Heather Christensen | University of Cincinnati | Practicing Metacognition and Self-Assessment Through Narrative Reflection: An Opportunity for Second-Year Medical Students Implementation of a Peer-Mentorship Program Within a Medical Student Teaching Elective
Megha Mohanakrishnan | University of Cincinnati College of Medicine | Reflecting on Dissecting: A Qualitative Analysis of Factors Influencing First-Year Medical Students' Anticipation of Anatomy Laboratory
Tyler Bland | University of Idaho | Enhancing Medical Education: The Impact of CTML-Based Slide Design on Pharmacology Learning Outcomes AI and Movie Magic: Enhancing Clinical Cases in Medical School Foundation Courses
Michelle Rusch | University of Illinois College of Medicine Peoria | Skills Challenge: A Pseudo-Escape Room to Teach Procedural Skills to Third Year Medical Students A Pilot Study to Investigate Innovative and Compatible Interfaces for Radiological Viewing to Offset Fatigue
Lillian Sims | University of Kentucky College of Medicine | Building a Real-Time Emotional Burden Measurement to Increase Support for Clerkship Students MedMentors: Near-Peer Mentorship as a Route Towards Diversifying Academic Medicine
Claudio Violato | University of Minnesota Medical School | The Use of Artificial Intelligence for Scoring a 12-Station OSCE Using Standardized Patients: Validity, Reliability, and Dependability
Ling Cao | University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine | Piloting a Social Determinants of Health-Oriented Interprofessional Education Program, "Adapting Public Health Problem Solving Paradigm in Interprofessional Team Training (PHIT)"
Michael Fu | University of Oxford | Medical Students' Perceptions of LGBTQ+ Healthcare in Singapore and the United Kingdom
Jeff Sosnowski | University of South Alabama College of Medicine | Histopathologic Integration in Lectures, Labs and Small Group Learning for Comprehensive Student Learning
Sydny Long | University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville | Near-Peer Exam-Item Generation to Mutually Benefit Pre-Clinical and Clinical Medical Students
Kirsten Porter-Stransky | University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville | Psychological Safety in Academic Medicine: A School-Wide Initiative
Chelsea Price | University of Tennessee College of Education, Health, and Human Science | Longitudinal Analysis of Emotional Intelligence and Burnout for Incoming Residents; Pre-, Intra-, and Post-COVID
Joshua Roshal | University of Texas Medical Branch | Multimedia Design Analysis: Recommendations to Enhance the SCORE e-Learning Platform
Bindu Menon | University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences | Implementation and Assessment of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Grounded in Precision Medical Education in the Undergraduate Medical School Curriculum
Sally Della Binks | University of Toronto | Designing Basic Science Tests to Optimize Future Learning
Mary Kate Worden | University of Virginia School of Medicine | Artificial Intelligence Powered Answers to Questions in Genomic Medicine
Rama Soundararajan | UT MD Anderson Cancer Center | A Structured Academic Curriculum to Facilitate Obtaining and Executing a Faculty Position in Biomedical Research