Poster & Oral Presenters

Oral Presenters

Full NameInstitutionSpeaking At
Mary RuggeriAugsburg UniversityThe Perceived Intersection of Parenting and Physician Assistant (PA) Training Among Current PA Students
Michelle RuschUniversity of Illinois College of Medicine PeoriaSkills Challenge: A Pseudo-Escape Room to Teach Procedural Skills to Third Year Medical Students
A Pilot Study to Investigate Innovative and Compatible Interfaces for Radiological Viewing to Offset Fatigue
Savannah SchauerKirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLVUsing Artificial Intelligence to Increase Accessibility of Medical Education Resources and Accommodate Individual Learning Styles
Luke ScheuerBoston University Chobanian & Avedesian School of MedicineFaculty and Student Perceptions of the Implementation of a Novel Medical School Curriculum
Stephen SchneidUniversity of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Skaggs School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical SciencesA Modified Readiness Assurance Process to Promote Collaborative Learning and Problem-Solving in a Prematriculation Program
A Pilot Session in Early Exposure to Harm Reduction: Integrating Health Systems Science Into Prematriculation Medical Education
Diorra SheltonTouro University Nevada COMEnhancing Assessment Using ChatGPT-4 by Streamlining MCQ Generation
Christopher SimenzMedical College of WisconsinPromotion of Equity-Focused Medical Practice via Community Engagement Across Medical Residency Programs
Lillian SimsUniversity of Kentucky College of MedicineBuilding a Real-Time Emotional Burden Measurement to Increase Support for Clerkship Students
MedMentors: Near-Peer Mentorship as a Route Towards Diversifying Academic Medicine
Ethan SnowSouth Dakota State UniversityComparative Efficacy of Two-Point Student Metacognition from Virtual Reality and Cadaver-Based Human Anatomy Learning Experiences
Jeff SosnowskiUniversity of South Alabama College of MedicineHistopathologic Integration in Lectures, Labs and Small Group Learning for Comprehensive Student Learning
Rama SoundararajanUT MD Anderson Cancer CenterA Structured Academic Curriculum to Facilitate Obtaining and Executing a Faculty Position in Biomedical Research
Erica SuttonMorehouse School of MedicineEvaluating a Third-Party Education Resource Using the RE-AIM Framework
Blayne Thomason Santa MariaMedical College of GeorgiaStudent Perspectives on the Emotional Journey of Working With Our First Patient - Our Body Donor
Serine TorosianSt. George's UniversityVirtual Reality and Preclinical, Medical Education: A Systematic Review of the Application and Effectiveness
Ryan Maureen TubbsMichigan State University College of Human MedicineParental Engagement and Satisfaction of Reach Out To Youth: A Medical Profession Pathway Program for Underserved Youth
Petra van GurpRadboudumc NetherlandsDoes Assessment of Early Patient Contacts Contribute to Professional Development?
Jennifer Van SwolThe University of ChicagoSimulation-Based De-Escalation Training: Promoting Resident Intern Situational Awareness and Risk Identification
Sherlie Vazquez-ColonPonce Health Sciences UniversityMotivations and Experiences of Non-Resident Students Pursuing a Bilingual Medical Education
Claudio ViolatoUniversity of Minnesota Medical SchoolThe Use of Artificial Intelligence for Scoring a 12-Station OSCE Using Standardized Patients: Validity, Reliability, and Dependability
Peter VollbrechtWestern Michigan Uiversity Homer Stryker MD School of MedicineCommunity Outreach, Research, and Engagement (C.O.R.E.) Community of Growth Lunch
FS: Ideal Versus Practical: Strategies to Provide Medical Education Pedagogy to Transform Medical Students Into Exceptional Future Educators
The CORE Collaborative: Building Bridges Through Community Outreach, Research and Engagement

Poster Presenters

Full NameInstitutionSpeaking At
Adam LerchenfeldNova Southeastern University College of MedicineDeveloping a Framework for Spaced Repetition Incorporation into Curriculum
FS: A Framework for Incorporating Spaced Repetition Tools Into Medical School Curriculum
Nina LiEastern Virginia Medical SchoolMedical Students' Attitudes and Motivations Toward Research
Phoebe LiRutgers New Jersey Medical SchoolDevelopment of Leadership Skills During Anatomy Small-Group Sessions in a Pre-Clerkship Medical Curriculum
Martin LibermanBoston University Chobanian & Avedesian School of MedicineFacilitating Ultrasound Mastery in Medical Students through Self Learning Guides
Megan LimCarle Illinois College of MedicineEmpowering Medical Learning Through Interactive Knowledge Graphs with Large Language Models
PRORENATA, a Web-Based Interface for Pharmacological Instruction Within Preclinical Training
Lisa LinUPMCBuilding a Robust Medical Imaging Curriculum in the Pre-Clinical Phase of Undergraduate Medical Education
Sonia LoboGeisinger Commonwealth School Of MedicineA Longitudinal Qualitative Assessment of Medical Nutrition Education at Geisinger
Princy Louis PalattyAmrita Vishwa Vidhyapeetham, School of Medicine, Kochi, India.Participatory Theatre as a Pedagogical Tool in Teaching Bioethics in Medical Education
FS: ARTification and Humanities: The Role of Participatory Theatres in Health Science Education
Launa LynchIdaho College of Osteopathic MedicinePCWS: Developing a Statement on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education
Application of a Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Method for Teaching Hypothalamic-Pituitary Concepts in Endocrinology
Tawna MangoshCase Western Reserve University School of MedicineThe Adaptation of Pharmacology Resources to Synergize with Medical Student Workflows
Veronica Marie BenitezNova Southeastern UniversitySalud Sin Barreras: An Integration of Medical Spanish into a Pre-Clinical Curriculum
Joseph MariscalMichigan State University College of Human MedicineUsing Virtual Reality to Teach Ultrasound-Guided Lumbar Puncture: Superior to Traditional Lecture?
Anastasia MashukovaNova Southeastern UniversityBeyond Didactics: Impact of Active Learning in Health Professions Education
Enhancing Physiology Education: The Impact of Active Learning on Exam Scores in a Master of Biological Science Program
The Incorporation of a Large Group Interactive Discussion Integrating Physiology and Pharmacology of the Autonomic Nervous System Improves Academic Outcomes and Students' Attitudes Toward Pre-Clerkship Curriculum
Mary MathewKasturba Medical CollegeFS: Augmenting Learning with Active Learning Strategies to Enhance Learner Engagement and Understanding
FS: ARTification and Humanities: The Role of Participatory Theatres in Health Science Education
Connecting through Stories: Unveiling the Current State of Medical and Nursing Students' Engagement with Narrative Medicine
Paul MegeeOakland University William Beaumont School of MedicineFoundational and Clinical Science Integration and Skill Transfer in a Team-Based Learning Module
Ashin MehtaMedical College of WisocnsinAttitudes of PGY-3 Internal Medicine Residents Towards Student Debt
Aniela MendezTecnologico de MonterreyAssessment of Self-Regulated Learning In Undergraduate Healthcare Students
Death Notification Workshop: A Multicenter Experience in Undergraduate Health Students
FS: Patients-as-Teachers (PAT): Patient Narratives in Education is an Underutilized Instructional Tool
Gillian MichaelsonCase Western Reserve University - - Cleveland, OHAssessment in Action: Developing an Assessment-Focused Faculty and Resident Curriculum to Improve Faculty Confidence and Learner Satisfaction with Formative Feedback on Diagnostic Reasoning
Vedprakash MishraDatta Meghe Institute of Medical SciencesFS: Augmenting Learning with Active Learning Strategies to Enhance Learner Engagement and Understanding
FS: ARTification and Humanities: The Role of Participatory Theatres in Health Science Education
Effectiveness of Online Distance Teaching-Learning Methodology in Imparting Bioethics to Health Care Professionals
Stephanie Moore-LotridgeVanderbilt University Medical CenterIntersecting Technology and Evidence-Based Education for Assessment During Resident Didactic Sessions
Development of a Comprehensive Medical Student Summer Research Program in Orthopaedic Surgery: 2 Year Follow-Up