Nancy Moreno | Baylor College of Medicine | Using Structure to Support Faculty as Educators and Educational Scholars: A Novel Academic Department Rethinking Teaching to Engage Every Learner: Faculty Development for Inclusive Active Learning
Ana Muñoz | Universidad La Salle | Medical Students Self-Perspective About Practical Clinical Skills Learned During COVID-19 Pandemic
Akshata Naik | OUWB | Creating Authentic and Engaging Learning Experiences Using Branching Scenarios Within Asynchronous Teaching Modalities
Stephanie Neary | Yale University, Medical University of South Carolina | A Comparative, Individual Values-Based Scoring Approach to the Secure Flourish Index Among Medical, Physician Assistant, and Nurse Practitioner Students The Relationship Between Intrinsic Factors, the Social Determinants of Health, and Perceived Flourishing Among Medical, Physician Assistant, and Nurse Practitioner Students
Sarah Neguse | Rocky Vista University | WITHDRAWN Relationship Between Prerequisite Courses and Student Outcomes in PA Training
Alana Newell | Baylor College of Medicine | Precision Faculty Development: Building a Competency-Based Educator Program from the Clinician-Educator Milestones
Carol Nichols | Methodist University, Cape Fear Valley Health School of Medicine | A Collaborative (and Cost-Effective) Approach to Faculty Development at Two Medical Schools
Larry Nichols | Mercer University School of Medicine | Pathology and Clinical Science Free Online Medical Education Resource
Noah Nigh | Carle Illinois College of Medicine | |
Isadore Nottolini | University of Central Florida - College of Medicine | M.D. Program Pre-Clerkship Attendance Patterns and Performance in the Clerkship Years
Kaitlyn Novotny | Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine | Promoting Equity in Medical Clerkships Based on Demographic and USMLE Step Exam Analysis
Nicole Occidental | University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences | Student Observations of Ipsilateral Missing Psoas Major and Iliacus Muscles and Downstream Effects of Surgical Intervention
Orla O'Donoghue | NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine | Promoting Clinical Confidence via Problem Based Learning: A Medical Student Perspective
Collin OHara | University of North Texas Health Science Center Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine | The Use of a Training Video to Instill Professional Behaviors in Medical Students
Sarah Olin | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Student Medical Education Research Team: Encouraging Inter-Institutional Research and Collaboration and Facilitating Network Development
Samantha Olson | Penn state college of medicine | Implementation of a Health Systems Science Reference Guide for Medical Students
Chasity O'Malley | Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine | Facilitator and Learner Differences in Attitudes and Expectations for Problem Based Learning Revamping Nutritional Education: A Creative Method for Instructing Second-Year Undergraduate Medical Students on Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies and Toxicities
Insaf Omar | University of Nebraska Medical Center | Virtual Global Health: The Outcomes of a US Academic Institution-Based Project ECHO Telementorship Program for Healthcare Students and Practitioners in Sudan
Dawn Owens | Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine | Engaging Medical Students In An Interactive Histology Laboratory Active Learning Experience: A Cross Sectional Study
Cathy Pepper | Texas A&M University, School of Medicine | Co-Teaching with AI: Revising a PubMed Searching Module in a Medical Student Grand Rounds Course