Poster & Oral Presenters

Oral Presenters

Poster Presenters

Full NameInstitutionSpeaking At
Jennifer HotzmanIdaho College of Osteopathic MedicineReactions and Reflections on Implicit Gender Bias Testing in Undergraduate Medical Educators
Anna HorvathKirk Kerkorian School of Medcine at UNLVComplementary and Alternative Medicine in Undergraduate Medical Education: Longitudinal vs Stand-Alone Curriculum
Cameron HillBoston University Chobanian & Avedesian School of MedicineBridging the Gap: Faculty and Medical Student Perceptions of Self-Learning Guide Learning Objectives
Natascha HeiseVirginia Health Sciences at Old Dominion UniversitySupporting Students at Academic Risk - A Virtual Reality Solution in Human Anatomy
Amber Heard-BoothMichigan State UniversityThe Value of Medical Illustrators in the Anatomy Lab
April HatcherUniversity of KentuckyShort-Term Humanities Interventions Help Medical Students Understand the Patient's Perspective
Falicia HarveyUniversity of South Carolina School of Medicine ColumbiaThe Marriage of Design Thinking Principles and Multi-Entity Collaboration - Moving Beyond Single Institution Silos
Poliana Hartung ToppaBoston UniversityEstablishing Trustworthy University-Community and Public School Partnerships: An Anatomy Academy Model of Service-Learning and Outreach
Sarah HarendtCarilion ClinicBringing Health System Science and Interprofessional (HSSIP) Education Alive in the Clinical Environment: An Innovative Faculty Development Approach to Prepare Health Professional Learners as Systems Citizens
Maggie HadingerOnlineMedEdA Novel Pre-Matriculation Boot Camp Using an Online Learning Platform
Kearney GunsalusAU/UGA Medical PartnershipColor for Everyone: Enhancing Accessibility with Colorblind-Friendly Palettes
Counteracting Weight Stigma: Developing Evidence-Based Recommendations to Address Health Disparities and Enhance Student Wellness
Adrienne Laurel GormanLKSOMEvaluation of Preclinical Medical School Small Group Session Deliverables for Collaboration, Integration, and Creative Component Outcomes
Christopher GitterMedical College of Wisconsin"Thrown Into the Conversation": A Student-Led Communication Skills Training Program for Preclinical Medical Students
Jickssa GemechuOakland University William Beaumont School of MedicineMedical Students Dissection Experiences, Cultural Attachment, and Coping Strategies Across Curricula
Alexa GandyUniversity of South Carolina School of Medicine – ColumbiaThe Effect of Curricular Structure on Medical Student Performance
Julie GalliartKU School of Medicine - WichitaPartnership Program Offers Adaptive Leadership Training to School of Medicine Faculty and Staff
Jenny FortunFlorida International UniversityStudy Approaches of Second-Year Medical Students in the Context of Diagnostic Reasoning versus NBME Examinations
FS: Using Generative AI to Develop and Validate Progressive Case Disclosure Exams
Palmer ForanDrexel University College of Medicine
Claire FoersterUniversity of South DakotaLSTC: Leadership and Team Communication Course for Medical Students as Future Healthcare Leaders
Jonathan FisherUniversity of Illinois College of Medicine PeoriaSame App, Different Students: Histology App Use Shifts Across the Academic Year