Poster & Oral Presenters

Oral Presenters

Poster Presenters

Full NameInstitutionSpeaking At
Steven TataKirk Kerkorian School of Medicine, UNLVAdvancing Medical Education: Exploring Spaced Repetition User Interface Enhancements and Accessibility Innovations
Andrew ThompsonUniversity of Cincinnati College of MedicineThe Impact of Learning Approach and Study Habits on Student Performance in an Undergraduate Human Anatomy Course
Samuel TishermanUniversity of Maryland School of MedicineProfessional Simulation to Improve the Response to the Deteriorating Patient
Emily TranUniversity of Arkansas for Medical SciencesA Comparison Study of the Efficacy of Artistic and Non-Artistic Approaches on Learning Retention and Stress Levels in an Advanced Anatomy Course
Robert TreatMedical College of WisconsinDevelopment and Analysis of Faculty and Student Surveys on AI Importance in Medical Education
Michelle TroupStudentAssessment Methods and Curricular Integration of Professional and Interpersonal Skills in Undergraduate Medical Education
Demidmaa TuvdendorjUniversity of Texas Tyler School of MedicineHow Can We Provide More Effective Prework?
Lydia UgwuUniversity of Illinois College of Medicine PeoriaTransforming Passive Classrooms Into Active Learning Environments
Verena Van FleetNorthwestern Health Sciences UniversityThree Educational Approaches to Integrate Human Metabolism Using Three Dietary Scenarios
Alice VillalobosTexas Tech University Health Sciences CenterStudent Performance and Satisfaction in an Integrated Renal and Respiratory Systems Block at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine
Annie VuMichigan State University College of Human MedicineMicromanagement During Clinical Supervision: Trainees' Perceptions About Its Existence and Impact
Shiyuan WangRowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic MedicineOsteopathic Medical Students' Study Strategies for Both COMLEX Level 2CE and USMLE Step 2CK
Barbara WarnerBowling Green State UniversityLearning with Others: Academic Outcomes and Student Acceptance of Multiple Peer-Based Learning Groups
Payton WolbertCentral Michigan UniversityChallenges and Advantages of Three-Dimensional Printing in Medical Anatomy Education: A Systematic Literature Review
Jade WoodcockWMU Homer Stryker MD School of MedicineInvestigating the Essential Elements of Team-Based Learning in the Pre-Clerkship Medical Curriculum
Gabriel YapuncichDuke University School of MedicineBenefits of Summarizing Biomedical Science Curriculum Using Large-Language Generative Models
Jaya YodhCarle Illinois College of MedicineDesign of a Longitudinal Community Health Experience for Developing Skills in Holistic- and Systems-Thinking Approaches to Health Care
Munder ZagaarBaylor College of MedicineNavigating Challenges to Thread Integration in a Condensed Pre-Clinical Curriculum
Paths to Redemption: Student Views on a Two-Part Assessment Strategy in a Condensed Foundational Sciences Course
Maie ZagloulMedical College of WisconsinClinical Continuity in Uninsured Patients with Chronic Conditions: Assessing Patient Satisfaction and Wellbeing
Cultural Humility & Implicit Bias Trainings at a Student Run Free Clinic
Crystal ZhuBoston University Chobanian & Avedesian School of MedicinePhysician Qualitative Responses to a Video Tutorial on Improving Clinical Illustrations