Roundtable Discussions

Roundtable Discussion Topics

Meet the Plenary Speakers!
Kim Lomis, Dan Cannity, and Alison Whelan, IAMSE 2024 Conference Plenary Presenters

Career Paths in Education: Insights and Opportunities
Neil Osheroff, Amy Wilson-Delfosse, and Adi Haramati

How Can I Lead Professionally?
Kelly Quesnelle, IAMSE Treasurer

How Can I Grow as an Educator?
Jonathan Wisco, Profesional Development Committee Chair

How Do I Get Involved in IAMSE?
Mark Bevensee, Membership Committee Chair

What’s the Future of AI in Health Professions Education?
Doug McKell, AI in HPE Community of Growth Leader

Where Can I Publish My Work with IAMSE?
Carolina Restini, Member of the Manuals Editorial Board

Breakfast will not be provided. A list of nearby breakfast options can be found here

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons DEFG