CANCELED PCWS: Educational Video Skills Development for Healthcare Educators

Healthcare education has adjusted to a new normal following the COVID pandemic, with many educators remaining committed to formats that highlight expert lecture presentations of didactic content. The change of student expectations is that content will be readily available for access outside the classroom, and at any time, for optimal access by learners. This workshop is ideal for healthcare educators interested in expanding their knowledge and skills in production of asynchronous video recordings for healthcare education programs.

The workshop will empower healthcare educators to have confidence in skills necessary to create, edit, evaluate and distribute high quality educational videos for instructional purposes. The aim is to involve participants in hands-on activities that will be memorable and relevant to improve their current educational practices.

By attending the workshop participants will be able to: 1. Describe best practices for development of video recordings. 2. Identify required resources to produce high-quality lecture videos and compare resources available at their own and other institutions. 3. Prepare lecture videos for online educational programs that will enhance student engagement, following a review of viewer data. 4. Evaluate video quality by a critical review of technical and educational perspectives. 5. Manage video file libraries for convenient access within online platforms. 6. Collaborate in small groups to consider resources, educational strategies and quality of online videos for use in healthcare education.

Date & Time
Saturday, June 15, 2024, 8:00 AM - 3:15 PM
Promo Video