Alice Fornari - Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
Poh-Sun Goh - National University of Singapore
Charles Gullo - Gullo Consulting, LLC
Sol Roberts-Lieb - Univeristy of Maryland, Baltimore
Elisabeth Schlegel - WAUSM
The demands on health professions educators are increasing rapidly. They are asked to increase their work in teaching and learning, scholarly activity, service, administration, and clinical practice. This work often comes without new incentives or time to learn the skills needed to tackle these expanding roles. This workshop provides the theoretical foundation, the opportunity to practice the skills, and a group draft publication for all participants and leaders. This is an innovative idea for a pre-conference workshop in that it extends the traditional workshop into one with a tangible, transcribable publication.
Taking the first step in the scholarly journey is critical for most health professions educators. Getting started, learning the process, finding a community of practice and publishing are concerns held by scholars at all levels. Micro-Scholarship provides the tools to begin that journey (creation of a Micro-Asset) and stack them to form a product recognized by traditional scholarship (Macro-Asset). Similarly, many educators want and need professional development but aren't incentivized for their time, effort, and changes to their practice. This workshop will guide attendees through the answers to these questions by immersing them in the background of Micro-Scholarship, the need for effective and incentivized faculty development, and the creation of a group opinion paper, suitable for publishing, on the need to incentivize faculty development.