CANCELED PCWS: Developing Resilient Mindsets in Health Professions Students

Burnout among all health professionals was alarmingly high before the global COVID-19 pandemic, increased during the pandemic and have not returned to pre-COVID levels. In the US, both medical students and physicians experience burnout at higher rates than the general public, with symptoms of burnout being experienced at the highest level while students are in medical school. Impacts of stress and burnout on pre-clinical medical students are many including reduced learning, poor academic performance, and worse general health. Establishing a link between learning mindsets in matriculating osteopathic medical students and their well-being would suggest that interventions targeting faculty and the medical school environment could improve student learning and well-being. This program addresses burnout and well-being in health professions students.

At the end of the workshop, attendees will have specific mindset-supportive interventions that they can implement in their teaching, which will support and improve students' learning mindsets, and therefor increase well-being and decrease burnout among health professions students. Attendees will be encouraged to take these ideas back to their campuses, and to participate in an online group of faculty and mentors.

Date & Time
Saturday, June 15, 2024, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM