A Joint Physiology-Pharmacology Capstone Project for Dual Campuses in a Premedical Master's Program

Presented By: Qing Zhong, Rocky Vista University
Co-Authors: Rachel Linger, Rocky Vista University
Joel Roberts, Rocky Vista University
Jacquelyn Waller, Rocky Vista University

Capstone projects are active and integrative. Although some healthcare programs utilize these modalities, capstone projects have not been reported in a premedical master's program. We introduced a joint physiology-pharmacology capstone project, joining our previously separated physiology and pharmacology capstone projects, in a premedical master's program.

The joint capstone project was introduced in Spring 2022, across dual campuses with a total of 72 students. Students were divided into teams, and each team selected a disease-drug pair from a list of faculty-provided options. Students searched the disease-related physiologic changes in multiple organ systems, general treatment strategy, novel drug development, and the new drug's mechanism of action and side effects. Finally, each team generated a PowerPoint and delivered a presentation. At the end of the semester, an anonymous survey collected students' evaluations and feedback.

Student performance on the joint capstone project was similar across the two campuses. There were 72 responses to the survey (100%). The majority of students (77.8% - 88.9%) strongly agreed and agreed that the joint capstone project facilitated self-directed learning of the physiology of disease, clinical trials, drug development, and therapeutic management of disease. Students felt strongly that the joint capstone project enhanced the integration of physiology, pharmacology, and disease. Most students (80%) estimated spending 5-30 hours on their projects.

A joint Physiology-Pharmacology capstone project in a premedical master's program is an effective and efficient strategy to enhance premedical students' ability to integrate physiology, pharmacology, and disease. This project cultivates self-directed learning and teamwork.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 1:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Location Name
Marquette IV