Designing Approachable and Applicable A.I. Training in Undergraduate Medical Education

Presented By: Joseph Williams, Kansas City University
Co-Authors: Mari Hopper, Kansas City University

Aim of the presentation is to share one osteopathic college's approach to integrating AI training and competency assessment into undergraduate medical curriculum. This project aims to create an accessible, applicable framework that aligns with technological advancements and student-doctors' needs including: understanding AI foundations, aiding clinical decision-making, and preparation for a rapidly changing future in healthcare. 

Project was launched with a literature review to understand AI applications in healthcare and education best practices. A survey of medical educators and students was conducted to define AI learning objectives and competencies. A flexible, scalable AI curriculum is under development, including integration into new courses, utilizing diverse modalities, including case studies and simulations, and data science, coding, and additional interactive tools. The curriculum's effectiveness is tested through pilot modules, with feedback from students and educators driving continuous improvements. Collaborations with technology and healthcare experts ensure the curriculum remains current with AI advancements and real-world applications. Evaluations using mixed methods to measure the curriculum's impact on student's knowledge, skills, and attitudes provide reflective opportunities and informative updates to the discussions on AI in medical education. 

Institutional leadership, faculty, and students see the current technological landscape and the need to understand the foundational functions of AI and associated tools. Training pre-clerkship, before the intersection of patients, providers, and emergent technology, allows student doctors a necessary level of adaptability and familiarity to embrace the inevitable changes AI is and will produce in healthcare. 

AI, machine learning, and prescriptive analytics are evolving rapidly and establishing immense opportunities in healthcare. As health professions educators, we share an ethical obligation to train future providers to be responsible, capable users of this technology. Implementing an AI-focused curriculum in an osteopathic medicine college has presented challenges and opportunities that other health education programs will benefit from.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 1:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Location Name
Marquette VII