Histopathologic Integration in Lectures, Labs and Small Group Learning for Comprehensive Student Learning

Presented By: Jeffrey Sosnowski, University of South Alabama College of Medicine

The purpose of integrating histology and pathology within lectures, labs and small group learning is to assist students in developing a strong understanding of pathologic changes in normal tissues instead of relying on pattern recognition. Many students are admitted to medical school without having courses in histology and pathology, putting them at a time disadvantage in learning the content in a clinical context. 

The histopathology of a tissue is taught within a clinical case context both in lectures and small group learning. Examples of gross tissues followed by ultrasound and additional imaging along with histology images side-by-side with pathology images allow students to comprehend the complexities of disease processes.

Student objectives include identifying important histologic landmarks that are modified during pathologic processes including reparative, infectious, dysplastic and neoplastic processes. The relevant immunohistochemistry and genetic mutations are also discussed. Students appreciate the continuum of how normal cells and tissues undergo reparative or genetic processes and are modified following a disease process within the same learning exercise. Some students are challenged with these complex integrated disciplines without faculty assistance. Student retention of these disciplines remain with students throughout their years in medical school reflected by higher STEP exam performances in histology and pathology. 

Many medical students present to medical school without basic histology and pathology courses. Teaching histology and pathology as separate courses requires students to use additional time and effort to bring the material together in an integrated fashion and then overlay the clinical case for an understanding of how they will use this material in the future. Integration of histology and pathology within clinical cases allows for better time management and retention of these disciplines for students.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 1:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Location Name
Marquette III