A Proven Template for Providing Streamlined, Scalable, Cost-Effective Clinical Research Opportunities in Osteopathic Medical Schools

Presented By: Mari Hopper, Kansas City University
Co-Authors: Robert Arnce, Kansas City University
Andrew Greek, Kansas City University
Jacey Greek, Kansas City University

The need for providing abundant clinical research opportunities in our Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (COMs) is more important now than ever before. We have created a template for providing perpetual, streamlined, scalable, cost-effective clinical research at our institution and believe it can be implemented at other COMs. This abstract describes our research template and its outcomes. 

Our template for creating clinical research opportunities has been in operation for the past three years.  All of our studies are structured as retrospective analyses of data obtained from the electronic medical records of patients admitted to the hospital over a specific timeframe. Initially, a broad-based research proposal is submitted to the hospital IRB on a particular topic. From this initial IRB multiple research projects are generated.  First and second-year medical students go through a standardized application and onboarding process prior to participation in research. Students are then subdivided into research groups of four. Each research group is assigned a research topic and a faculty mentor who will help them navigate through the research project.  

Since beginning in 2022, we have had 138 medical students and 9 residents who are currently participating in or have completed clinical research with our team. To date, there have been 46 individual research projects completed, 27 research posters presented, 8 papers published in peer-reviewed journals, and 7 additional papers have been submitted with publications pending. 

Clinical research opportunities at Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine are needed now more than ever before. Over the past three years, our clinical research template has been proven to provide perpetual, streamlined, scalable, cost-effective clinical research.  We believe our template can be utilized to provide increase clinical research opportunities at other COMs.

Date & Time
Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Location Name
Marquette VI