A Structured Academic Curriculum to Facilitate Obtaining and Executing a Faculty Position in Biomedical Research

Presented By: Rama Soundararajan, University of Texas
Co-Authors: Varsha Gandhi, Drexel University College of Medicine
Paolo Mangahas, University of Texas
Mabel Perez-Oquendo, University of Texas
Gabriele Romano, University of Texas
Ryan Udan, University of Texas
Ignacio Wistuba, University of Texas

Each year, a substantial government investment is channeled into biomedical training programs. However, for most trainees, these opportunities do not translate into advanced career benefits in the scholastic research track, and much talent remains untapped. Only about one-fifth of postdoctoral fellows eventually secure a tenure-track faculty position in academia. This transition is a challenging process, and requires knowledge and skills that are not necessarily developed during a traditional university experience. 

To address this critical training gap, we implemented a structured course to provide formalized training for successfully navigating academic positions in biomedical research. Navigating Academic Careers is a 9-module course covered over 13 weeks in 25.5 instructional sessions. The key educational objectives were designed to cover 1) navigating the job application and the interview/negotiation process, 2) hiring, leading, and mentoring lab personnel and program support staff, 3) project administration and financial stewardship, 4) managing time and work-life balance and 5) developing collaborations, branding, personalized niche and networking. The effectiveness of the course content, organization, and delivery was evaluated using a REDCap survey. 

89.9% of survey participants agreed that the scope and variety of the content were appropriate, and 91.1% agreed that the session was relevant and applicable to their needs. Among the 17 classes covered in this curriculum, the course content for Mentoring Part 1, Networking for Postdoctoral Fellows, and Career Conversation: Landing the Job and Getting Started Part 1 was best received based on trainees' responses. 

The analyses suggest that integrating this modular structure into postdoctoral training can facilitate the bench-to-tenure-track transition. Given that the Navigating Academic Careers course is now offered virtually and on-demand, it allows for adaptability by other academic institutions to teach how to obtain and execute a faculty position.

Date & Time
Sunday, June 16, 2024, 4:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Location Name
Marquette II