Developing the Research Educational Value of IFMSA Exchanges Through Educational Activities

Presented By: Lucia Pérez Gomez, International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA)
Co-Authors: Ahmed Rjoub, International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA)

The International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA) perceives research as one of the cornerstones of society, science, and health evolution. The IFMSA advocates for access to research and research education for medical students worldwide through educational activities that are closely formulated and monitored to ensure the quality and relevance of the information and to increase the reach of research knowledge among medical students worldwide. 

A group of medical students affiliated with the IFMSA developed three Research Educational Activities. These are 90 to 120-minute ready-made training sessions that can be delivered by anyone with relevant research and training experience to exchange students before or during their Exchange. The topics tackled are "Basic Principles of Medical Research," "Research Methodology and Study Designs", and "Critical Appraisal." Through a global survey, we assessed the usage and satisfaction of the provided activities' toolkits among IFMSA Members. 

The national member organizations of IFMSA were further surveyed. Of the 85 participating, 48.8% confirmed they had used at least one Research Educational Activity for their students. On a ten-point scale (10 meaning very satisfied and 0 not satisfied), 49 (57%) National Member Organizations gave a satisfaction score of 7 or more, with a mean of answers of 9.45. 

The educational activities developed have proven to help students ease and increase the spread of research-relevant skills in their community by providing a guided step-by-step approach. The ready-made training sessions have helped the IFMSA deliver specific information to medical students residing in over 130 countries, with the national member organizations involved in the study expressing their satisfaction with this approach to Information delivery, and a strategy has been settled to increase the number and the promotion of the IFMSA resources.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 1:15 PM - 1:30 PM
Location Name
Marquette VIII