AI in Medical Education: Updates & Activities from the AAMC

Presented By: Anne Farmakidis, AAMC
Co-Authors: Toni Gallo, AAMC
Ethan Kendrick, AAMC
Alexis Rossi, AAMC

The AAMC's work in the AI space has been largely membership driven. This presentation provides an overview of the activities, results and next steps for how the organization is supporting the community in implementing and leveraging AI.

The AAMC has approached AI support in phases based on the needs of the community, with all activities free and open to all AAMC members. The first phase, which was intended as a needs assessment, included a series of community calls, engagement within the virtual community and an informational, town-hall style webinar where constituents learned from each other and experts/early adopters. The AAMC then shifted to a more active role by curating exemplars and best practices in an open access AI resource bundle, developing an AI focused webinar series covering various topics of interest and convening an international AI Committee for Health Professions Education (HPE).

From the needs assessment activities in the first phase, the AAMC learned that that there were several areas of interest that required national support and focus: policies and governance models, examples of using AI for assessment, how to integrate AI in teaching and learning, faculty and staff development, and the continued need to convene and facilitate learning opportunities and conversations across the community.

The AAMC used the feedback collected to guide its future work in supporting AI in HPE. Finding ways to support the entire community regardless of resource and environments remains a critical component of ethical utilization of AI.

Date & Time
Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
Location Name
Marquette V