Parental Engagement and Satisfaction of Reach Out To Youth: A Medical Profession Pathway Program for Underserved Youth

Presented By: Ryan Tubbs, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
Co-Authors: Nathan Hankerson, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
Quynh Tran, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine

Reach Out To Youth (ROTY) is an outreach program staffed by medical student volunteers in which children ages 7 to 11 and their parents attend a Saturday program of interactive workshops specifically designed to motivate underrepresented youth into careers in the medical profession. This project focuses on parental engagement, motivation, and satisfaction at the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine (MSU CHM) site to assess the efficacy of ROTY as an outreach program.

Parents and students engage in separate workshops that mirror each other to support longitudinal learning and provide a foundation to foster familial discussion after the program. Importantly, the parent curriculum is conducted to give parents the tools necessary to support their children's interests in healthcare and educate them about topics related to their child's development. Parents were asked to complete a questionnaire after the workshops which included questions about their motivations for participating, overall satisfaction, and likelihood of returning to ROTY. Research was conducted by MSU CHM medical students with faculty guidance.

Questionnaire results indicate the majority of parents are satisfied with ROTY and found it to be a positive learning experience for their children and them. Parents report that a career in a medical profession seems more feasible for their children after involvement in this program. Parents also indicated that they left with more knowledge about the topics presented than they did before. Lastly, parents were more inclined to participate in events like ROTY in the future.

Outreach programs targeted towards underrepresented youth that spark interest in the medical field that also involve parents can serve as an effective early pathway-program into healthcare based on parental satisfaction, engagement, and motivating factors. ROTY is a rewarding experience for the children, parents, and medical student volunteers involved.

Date & Time
Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
Location Name
Marquette I