Development of a Comprehensive Medical Student Summer Research Program in Orthopaedic Surgery: 2 Year Follow-Up

Presented By: Stephanie Moore-Lotridge, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Co-Authors: Kristen Archer, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Eric Bowman, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Rogelio Coronado, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Lance LeClair, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nathaniel Lempert, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Craig Louer, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Ryan Martin, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Daniel Stinner, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Jacob Wilson, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Rick Wright, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

A robust pipeline of skilled orthopaedic surgeon scientists is needed to meet the clinical and research demands of the future, while also increasing diversity in the field. We established an integrated research and clinical exposure program in the field of orthopaedic surgery to serve as a developmental catalyst for the next generation of surgeons and surgeon-scientists. Here, we reflect on the first two years of this program.

An 8-week immersive program was developed and implemented. Students were recruited through a multistep application and interview process and paired with faculty mentors to conduct research projects and gain focused career mentorship. These research endeavors were complimented with a robust curriculum of didactic, clinical, and hands on training. Student perceptions about the program and their career interests in orthopaedics and research were assessed at the midpoint (week 4) and completion of the program.

Nine participants were selected including 3 females and 3 underrepresented minority students. When surveyed on their interest in orthopaedics (1-10 rating scale, 1 = very low and 10 = very high), prior to the program the median response was 8(range:6-10), midpoint was 10(range7-10), and endpoint was 9(range:8-10). When surveyed on their interest in including research as part of their future career, prior to the program the median response was 5(range:3-8), midpoint was 8(range:5-9), and endpoint was 9(range:7-10). Finally, when asked at the endpoint survey if they would reapply to the program, the median response was 10(range:9-10).

Survey results indicated that a consistent to slight improvement was made in orthopaedic interest and a marked improvement was made in the student's interest in pursuing research as part of their career after completing the 8-week summer program. These results lead us to conclude that students had high levels of satisfaction with this combined research and clinical exposure program in Orthopaedic surgery.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC