Clinical Continuity in Uninsured Patients with Chronic Conditions: Assessing Patient Satisfaction and Wellbeing

Presented By: Maie Zagloul, Medical College of Wisconsin
Co-Authors: Buruj Mohammed, Medical College of Wisconsin

Continuity of care has been shown to improve long-term health outcomes. Uninsured patients are typically unable to receive long-term care and rely on free clinics to address gaps in their healthcare. Many free clinics, however, are dependent on a revolving door of volunteers - with a high-turnover rate - thus impacting the care this patient population receives. The Saturday Clinic for the Uninsured (SCU), is a student-led clinic established in Milwaukee, serving a vulnerable patient population. In order to address this disparity, SCU implemented a Clinical Continuity Track (CCT) program for high-risk patients diagnosed with multiple chronic conditions. The project looks to assess the impact of clinical continuity in uninsured patients with chronic conditions. 

Nationally accepted standards of care for managing chronic conditions such as Hypertension, Type II Diabetes, and Hyperlipidemia were gathered. A retrospective chart review on CCT patients was done collecting data on whether these parameters were met in the 6 months prior to CCT enrollment and 6 months following CCT enrollment. 

Patient satisfaction survey demonstrated increased comfort and confidence in CCT patient healthcare, as well as a positive impact on health behaviors. Overall, completion of chronic condition specific management parameters overall have been improved or maintained after patient CCT enrollment.

There currently is no literature examining differences in the quality of continuity vs non-continuity-based care in the setting of student-run free clinics. Free clinics are imperative to providing care to underserved populations. However, limitations on resources, funding, and volunteers leads to most patients visiting these clinics to be seen by a different medical care team at each appointment. The CCT program at SCU increases patient confidence in managing their chronic conditions and in the healthcare they receive. Moreover, completion of healthcare parameters for chronic conditions has either been maintained or improved upon CCT enrollment.

Date & Time
Sunday, June 16, 2024, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC