Creation of AMSA Scholars Programs ScholarRx Bricks

Presented By: Oluwatoni Adebisi, American Medical Students Association
Co-Authors: Rohini Kousalya Siva, American Medical Students Association
Manikya Nagaraja, American Medical Students Association

AMSA's Scholars Programs exist to fill in gaps in medical education by offering deep learning from experts on focused topics such as Health Justice, Integrative Medicine, Transgender Health, Reproductive Health; Racism in Medicine, and many more. AMSA Academy partnered with ScholarRx to create bricks on topics covered in the Scholars Programs to provide Medical students and allied professionals from around the world with free access to the AMSA Scholars Programs knowledge bank and grant enrolled scholars an avenue to apply gained knowledge while exposing them to basics of research and curriculum creation. The Bricks will also be foundational course materials for future AMSA Scholars Programs. 

The process employed for the creation of AMSA Bricks started with sensitizing the enrolled scholars about the opportunity. Then the sign-ups were oriented on the vision of the project and a timeline that included checkpoints for outline creation, draft creation, faculty review for accuracy, peer review for grammar and readability, then publication through the Scholar Rx Bricks Create platform was issued. Regular Check-in meetings were held to monitor the progress of authors and address any questions. 

Twenty-three bricks have been created in Reproductive Health, Integrative Medicine, and Sexual Health collections and four more brick collections are in various stages of production, projected to be published in February and July 2024. 

ScholarRx Bricks uses short, high-yield, interactive lessons called "bricks" to explain and contextualize key topics, many in less than 20 minutes. AMSA Scholars Programs Rx Bricks have been instrumental in fulfilling AMSA's goal of training and preparing future physicians to be leaders and changemakers.

Date & Time
Sunday, June 16, 2024, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC