Developing a Framework for Spaced Repetition Incorporation into Curriculum

Presented By: Adam Lerchenfeld, Nova Southeastern University
Co-Authors: Kyle Bauckman, Nova Southeastern University

Spaced repetition and active recall (SR/AR) tools are stigmatized in education as short-term memory tools. We aim to dispel stereotypes of SR/AR tools and harness its utility toward a more nuanced and advanced learning experience. 

Faculty and student views on integrating SR/AR into curriculum were gauged via a Likert scale survey. Outcomes were utilized to develop a faculty and student workshop focused on identifying common ground. 75% of student responders (n=35) identified use of SR/AR for studying. 57% of faculty (n=14) were familiar with SR/AR. 78% of faculty showed interest in integrating SR/AR into the curriculum. 50% of faculty would adopt SR/AR if it increased student engagement. An in-house SR/AR deck was made for the Fundamentals course and 70% of first-year student responders (n=10) utilized this deck. Out of the 70% who utilized the deck, 86% were satisfied with the cards. Additionally, 29% of the students stated that the deck encouraged them to attend lecture with 57% being impartial. 

Students identified SR/AR as beneficial to learning. Majority of faculty expressed interest in adapting SR/AR to their sessions though this correlated with concerns of unfamiliarity. We aim to develop a workshop to address faculty concerns of SR/AR. SR/AR has a perception of a rough memorization tool and rather a mechanism to synthesize factoid-based knowledge into higher order sessions. Faculty development will focus on implementation of SR/AR for first order knowledge allowing for advanced integration during the session. 

SR/AR is a tool used ubiquitously in the medical education landscape. Many variations of the tool are freely available but generally discouraged or ignored in academic establishments. Implementation of a training session to adapt these tools is practical and may enhance student investment in institutional learning modalities.

Date & Time
Sunday, June 16, 2024, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC