Refining Test-Taking Skills Through Question Analysis

Presented By: Michael Ammons, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center - Lubbock
Co-Authors: John Pelley, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center - Lubbock
Daniel Webster, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center – Lubbock

This project addresses the overwhelming volume of practice questions students encounter during their pre-clinical years. Our primary goal is to explore first-year medical students' perception of question analysis (QA) and its impact on preparation for clinical vignette-style questions at our institution. A secondary goal of this project is to explore a hypothesized relationship between Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI) and QA.

A survey was administered to medical students during the week preceding the General Principles (GPX) course to determine how many students had previously employed QA techniques. It also incorporated questions derived from the MBTI learning styles associated with sensing and intuitive types. In the initial week of the GPX block, 180+ students received a QA mapping tool (QAMT) and an instructional video explaining the QA process. Subsequently, students received eight weekly quizzes comprising 10-20 multiple choice, clinical vignette-style questions with rationales. Participation in the quizzes and the use of the QAMT were both voluntary. Upon completion of the block (in December), students will be surveyed for the changes in understanding, utilization, and importance of QA to their exam preparation.

We expect this analysis to: - Increase understanding of the QA process evidenced by post block survey. - Increase utilization of QA by first-year medical students when taking practice tests. - Support or negate a relationship between MBTI learning styles and QA

QA as a tool for exam preparation is limited in use by its exposure and understanding by medical students. As exposure and awareness to the QA process increases, medical students will be equipped with an additional tool to enhance their studies as well as clinical reasoning skills. Finally, analysis of MBTI learning styles will facilitate refinement of QA for medical students.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC