SWEET-DM: An Interprofessional Progressive Diabetes Case Discussion with Application of Continuous Glucose Monitors

Presented By: Brian Keisler, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Columbia

This poster aims to share a novel experience to hone interprofessional as well as clinical practice skills through a progressive case discussion and utilization of wearable technology.

This poster will describe an IPE activity in which third-year pharmacy and medical students collaborate in small teams to apply their knowledge to a progressive case scenario from the inpatient to the outpatient setting to include application and wearing of a CGM. There is minimal published evidence regarding interprofessional experiences for the management of diabetes. There is also a lack of published data regarding application and utilization of CGMs in educational settings, particularly as an interprofessional activity. Additionally, a recent report indicates great variability in the amount of CGM education in Doctor of Pharmacy curricula in the United States. This poster will provide additional data regarding interprofessional collaboration with skills development for optimal management of patients with diabetes utilizing CGMs. In addition, student commentary regarding the impact of the CGM experience on lifestyle choices and future practice will be shared.

At the time of this submission, we have received data from one of four planned sessions during the 2023-24 academic year. A second session was recently completed, but we have not yet received results from the collection tool from our students. Based on the first session, both medical students and pharmacy students responded positively (either "agree" or "disagree") to a variety of questions to assess the value of these sessions in terms of interprofessional development. By the time of the IAMSE conference, we will have data from three of four sessions.

While we are still early in our data collection, we believe that initial results confirm our hypothesis that an interprofessional method for teaching diabetes education is effective for increasing overall knowledge around diabetes care, and specifically with continuous glucose monitors.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC