Integration of Ultrasound and Radiological Imaging into the Anatomy Curriculum and the Anatomy Cadaver Lab

Presented By: Deepak Sharma, St. George's University
Co-Authors: Kazzara Raeburn, St. George's University

The incorporation of ultrasound sessions and radiological images in the anatomy curriculum has become standard pedagogy in anatomy education. However, there is still limited information on the use of medical imaging integrated into the anatomy cadaver lab. Over the past three years, we have implemented hands-on ultrasound labs and have integrated clinical radiology into the anatomy cadaver lab during the first and second years of the basic sciences' medical curriculum.

During each anatomy lab, students review the cadaveric anatomy of a particular system and the relevant medical imaging. Normal and pathological medical images are taught alongside corresponding prosected formalin-fixed cadaver specimens. Learning objectives for each session require students to integrate their anatomy knowledge and apply this to the associated medical image. Each session lasts for two hours and is followed by two assessment questions. During ultrasound labs, students are randomly grouped into teams of three students. Each group is supervised by an MD faculty member and each student performs ultrasound on a standardized patient. Each session lasts for one hour and is followed by two assessment questions.

Over 1500 students have completed hands-on ultrasound sessions including ultrasound certification at the end of the basic sciences. The integration of medical imaging into the anatomy cadaver lab has been positively received by students and faculty. It has demonstrated positive impacts on student learning and improved student confidence in applying anatomical concepts to medical imaging.

The integration of imaging into the medical school anatomy education course has given students increased comprehension of regional anatomy and confidence in their ability to apply this knowledge to medical imaging.

Date & Time
Monday, June 17, 2024, 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Location Name
Minneapolis Grand Ballroom Salons ABC